Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Thursday 22nd of April 2021

Lot No Description Est Image
1272 An Edwardian mahogany slat and tub back office chair with solid seat, on cabriole supports with H framed stretcher 50-75
1273 An Edwardian Eastern style carved hardwood 4 fold dressing screen with gilt metal mounts, 171cm h x 56cm when closed x 224cm when open 30-50
1274 A 19th Century carved oak bureau bookcase, the associated top with pediment and dentilled cornice, fitted shelves enclosed by a panelled doors, the base with fall front above 2 short and 2 long drawers, raised on bracket feet 221cm h x 92cm w x 52cm d 80-120
1275 A Victorian oak tub back revolving office chair with spindle decoration, raised on a tripod base 80-120
1276 A Georgian style mahogany 4 division Canterbury the base fitted a drawer 47cm h x 49cm w x 35cm d 30-50
1277 An Edwardian inlaid mahogany corner chair with pierced slat back and upholstered seat, raised on square tapered supports, X frame stretcher 30-40
1278 A 19th Century elm smokers bow chair with spindle decoration and solid seat, raised on turned supports with double H framed stretcher 80-100
1279 An Edwardian Art Nouveau mahogany chest of 2 short and 2 long drawers, having brass plate drop handles, raised on turned supports 76cm h x 107cm w x 46cm d 40-60
1280 A late Victorian oak 17th Century style joined stool, raised on turned and block supports 52cm h x 45cm w x 27cm d 50-75
1281 An 18th Century oak chest of 4 long drawers with replacement brass swan neck drop handles, raised on bracket feet 95cm h x 95cm w x 48cm d 150-200
1282 A 1950's cloud back tub back armchair, upholstered in blue material 40-60
1283 A 19th Century Continental pine chest of 5 long drawers with brass swan neck handles 127cm x 104cm w x 52cm d 100-150