Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 6th of August 2008

Lot No Description Est Image
76 A Victorian figured walnut writing slope with hinged lid 14" £50-75 -
77 An elm stick and rail back chair with bobbin turned decoration and woven seat £20-30 -
78 A Victorian walnut Sutherland table 36" £160-220 -
79 A 19th Century shaped mahogany enclosed dressing table with hinged lid, revealing a fitted interior with mirror, the base fitted 2 long drawers and with bidet drawer, raised on square tapering supports 19" £250-350 -
80 A pair of Empire style open arm chairs, raised on cabriole supports with X framed stretchers £225-275 -
81 A William IV mahogany pedestal Pembroke table fitted a frieze drawer, raised on a turned column with triform base and splayed feet 38" £200-250 -
82 A pair of Queen Anne style mahogany slat back dining chairs £10-20 -
83 A 19th Century circular mahogany tray top wine table, raised on a pillar and tripod base 23" £80-120 -
84 A 19th Century walnut and oak triple wardrobe with moulded cornice, the centre section fitted a cupboard with slides enclosed by panelled doors above 2 short and 2 long drawers, flanked by a pair of cupboards enclosed by bevelled plate mirrored doors 74" £200-300 ILLUSTRATED -
85 A 19th Century circular oak snap top tea table, raised on a turned column and tripod 38 1/2" £100-150 -
86 A pair of Victorian mahogany tulip back dining chairs with upholstered seats raised on turned supports £75-100 -
87 A Georgian mahogany bow front side table, inlaid satinwood stringing, fitted a drawer to the centre flanked by a pair of cupboards, raised on turned and reeded supports 55" £1000-1500 -
88 A circular benares brass table, raised on a pierced folding hardwood stand 24" £25-30 -
89 A William IV mahogany 2 tier buffet raised on turned and reeded supports 40" £250-300 -
90 A cocktail cabinet in the form of a Globe, raised on a stand with gadrooned decoration 23" £50-75 -
91 A 19th/20th Century Italian walnut carved open arm chair with upholstered seat and back, raised on cabriole supports £600-700 -
92 A handsome "German" carved walnut side cabinet, the centre section with raised back fitted a cupboard enclosed by panelled door above 1 long drawer, the base fitted a cupboard enclosed by a panelled door with undertier flanked by 2 marble panels to the side with a drawer above 2 recesses 76" £300-500 ILLUSTRATED -
93 A Victorian mahogany show frame armchair upholstered in blue buttoned material, raised on cabriole supports £150-200 -
94 A Victorian oak buffet with raised back and three-quarter gallery, the base fitted a cupboard 39" £60-90 -
95 An Italian style walnut break front cabinet on stand with an arch shaped top, fitted adjustable shelves enclosed by glazed panelled doors 65" £400-500 -
96 An Edwardian rectangular mahogany 2 tier occasional table raised on cabriole supports 26" £20-30 -
97 A Victorian square walnut work/games table of conical form with flip over top, inlaid cribbage board and chess board, raised on carved tripod supports 21" £200-300 -
98 An Edwardian mahogany display cabinet, fitted adjustable shelves enclosed by astragal glazed panelled doors, raised on square tapering supports 41" £100-150 -
99 A Georgian oak bureau with fall front revealing a well fitted interior above 2 short and 2 long drawers, raised on bracket feet 38" £50-75 -
100 A circular mahogany 3 tier what-not/jardiniere 14" £30-50 -