Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 6th of August 2008

Lot No Description Est Image
894 An Edwardian silver sauce boat with wavy cut border, raised on 3 hoof feet, Chester 1910, 4 ozs £30-50 -
895 A circular faceted glass dressing table jar with silver lid together with 2 small glass "perfume" bottles £20-30 -
896 A Victorian silver 7 bar toast rack, London 1883, 2 ozs £30-50 -
898 An oval silver twin handled sugar bowl with demi-reeded decoration Birmingham 1886 4 ozs £20-40 -
900 A Russian silver Koran pointer with cabouchon cut blood stone, marked NA BC 1873 84 7" £100-150 ILLUSTRATED -
901 A silver egg cup with engine turned decoration, a Continental embossed silver egg cup and a small Continental silver vase 3" £20-30 -
902 2 silver ingot pendants with 1977 Silver Jubilee hallmark £15-25 -
903 A curious Eastern embossed silver "fishing" rod with float and hook £50-75 -
905 A silver rowing medallion for the Nick Carlton Amateur Regatta £10-20 -
974 A "silver" charm in the form of a pig, do. Buddha, teddybear and a hardstone in the form of a bean £10-20 -
976 A "silver" and blue enamel miniature button hook, a miniature silver propelling pencil and a gilt metal padlock and key £20-30 -
979 A plain silver easel photograph frame Chester 1939 9 1/2" x 7 1/2" £30-50 -
979 A pair "Qajar" mirrors contained in embossed silver and enamelled frames 12" x 9" £150-200 -
980 An oval silver plated entree dish and cover £5-10 -
984 An Art Deco 3 piece silver and blue enamel dressing table set comprising hairbrush, clothes brush and comb, London 1940, 41 and 49 £30-40 -
985 A silver Georgian style sugar sifter, Birmingham 1921, 3 ozs £20-40 -
1008 A pair of oval silver plated entree dishes and covers with demi-reeded decoration £30-50 ILLUSTRATED -
1014 3 silver napkin rings and 3 silver Eastern napkin rings, 3 ozs £25-35 -
1015 A circular silver sugar bowl raised on 3 hoof supports, marks rubbed, 4 ozs £30-40 -
1017 A circular cut glass rouge pot with silver lid 2", an antimony easel photograph frame 6 1/2" x 5" and a pair of sugar tongs £10-20 -
1019 A silver plated and oak 2 bottle tantalus with 2 cut glass spirit decanters £75-100 -
1024 A Victorian silver vinaigrette with hinged lid (no grill) London 1849 £30-40 -
1025 A silver stamp case in the form of an envelope and a small button hook with mother of pearl mount £15-25 -
1035 4 various Georgian silver Old English pattern teaspoons 2 ozs £20-30 -
1044 A silver gilt and enamelled Masonic Past Master's jewel Christopher Wren Lodge no. 6809 £30-50 -