Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 6th of August 2008

Lot No Description Est Image
1045 A silver gilt Masonic Past Master's jewel for the Domatic Lodge no. 177 £20-30 -
1047 A silver gilt London Grand Rank collar jewel, a gilt metal Past First Principals collar jewel and a silver plated Past Master's collar jewel £20-30 -
1051 A circular silver and blue enamelled rouge pot Birmingham 1911 1" and a circular blue enamelled compact £20-30 -
1071 A silver cased yard of lead £35-45 -
1079 A silver plated table brush £10-20 -
1080 3 silver teaspoons 1 ozs £15-25 -
1087 A square silver plated ashtray, a silver plated glass holder and etc £10-20 -
1090 An Edwardian silver backed hairbrush and matching clothes brush Birmingham 1900 and 1901 £20-30 -
1091 A silver plated christening tankard, do. basket with blue glass liner, a wine coaster and a mustard pot £10-20 -
1095 A silver plated soda siphon holder £10-20 -
1096 An oval silver plated teapot £10-20 -
1098 A pierced cylindrical silver plated soda siphon holder £10-20 -
1099 A pair of circular silver plated ashtrays by Mappin & Webb, a silver plated sugar scuttle and a small collection of plated items £15-20 -
1108 A collection of silver plated flatware £10-20 -
1111 25 1977 Silver Jubilee silver ingot stamps 16 ozs £100-150 -
1121 A small collection of silver plated flatware £5-10 -
1125 A collection of various silver plated items £35-45 -
1138 A circular engraved silver plated salver 12" £5-10 -
1141 A pair of silver plated 3 light candelabrum £20-30 -
1142 A Victorian silver table lighter, Birmingham 1890, 3 ozs £40-60 -
1144 A silver plated breadboard holder, a hotwater jug, a cream jug, a dish frame and a twin handled sugar bowl £10-20 -
1147 A canteen of silver plated Kings Pattern cutlery £20-30 -
1148 2 silver plated sugar sifters, a pair of silver plated salts and other plated items etc £10-20 -