Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 6th of August 2008

Lot No Description Est Image
1145 A Ludovic I of Portugal silver coin brooch dated 1881, a silver match slip, a silver napkin ring and a childs silver pusher and spoon cased £30-40 -
1146 A silver plated cake knife with silver handle, a silver plated sauce boat, 8 silver plated goblets, 4 silver plated egg cups and other plated items £10-20 -
1147 A canteen of silver plated Kings Pattern cutlery £20-30 -
1148 2 silver plated sugar sifters, a pair of silver plated salts and other plated items etc £10-20 -
1149 A 4 piece silver plated hotelware tea service with teapot, hotwater jug, twin handled sugar bowl and milk jug, 2 silver plated trays, a match slip and a silver backed handmirror £10-20 -
1150 An Eastern walking stick with silver handle, 1 other walking stick and a parasol £20-30 -
1151 A parasol with turned ivory handle £20-30 -
1152 A Papal medal - The Cross Pro Ecclesia Et Pontifice, pre Pope Paul VI £40-50 -
1153 After W Zwick an Art Deco style metal figure of a standing tennis player £100-150 -