Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 6th of August 2008

Lot No Description Est Image
352 A quantity of various picture cards contained in a red folder £20-30 -
353 5 various 1930's wedding congratulation cards £5-10 -
354 A good collection of various coloured post cards in a blue album £30-50 -
355 A collection of various 1930's black and white postcards including 10 of Worthing £20-30 -
362 A collection of various tea cards £3-5 -
364 A good album of coloured and other postcards £350-450 -
369 3 Will's cigarette card albums, 3 Player's cigarette card albums and 2 early Brook Bond tea card albums £10-20 -
375 A collection of postcards and various cigarette card albums £20-30 -
376 A collection of loose cigarette cards contained in a biscuit tin £10-20 -
447 A handsome 19th Century pierced brass inkwell surmounted by a figure of an eagle with wings outstretched, fitted a stamp box to the middle (hinge f) and having 2 blue porcelain inkwells £160-220 -