Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 6th of August 2008

Lot No Description Est Image
432 A dolls house silver 4 piece tea/coffee service comprising teapot, milk jug, twin handled sugar bowl and coffee pot, together with a side handled coffee pot, hallmarked £30-50 -
433 A dolls house hallmarked silver twin handled wine cooler £20-30 -
434 A dolls house hallmarked silver 3 light candelabrum £20-30 -
435 A dolls house silver waiter/comport with armorial decoration £20-30 -
436 A dolls house silver oval twin handled tea tray together with a circular pierced silver basket and a rectangular dish £25-35 -
437 7 dolls house circular engraved silver plates £25-35 -
438 A dolls house 21 piece dinner service comprising 2 tureens and covers, sauce boat and stand, 6 twin handled soup bowls and saucers and 6 plates £25-35 -
439 A dolls house salt glazed flask, a metal iron and stand and a gilt metal 4 piece tea service with tray, teapot, sugar bowl and cream jug £25-35 -
440 6 dolls house room size carpets £15-20 -
441 A dolls house green glazed pottery and iron framed Continental corner stove 4" £15-20 -
442 8 dolls house rugs £20-30 -
443 3 various dolls house trees, a Christmas tree, 2 pot plants and an ali baba style linen basket £15-20 -
444 A collection of 10 various dolls house light fittings £10-20 -
445 An excellently made large and impressive Edwardian style dolls house with 12 rooms, 72" £150-200 ILLUSTRATED -
446 An oil painting on board used as the back drop for the dolls house "Wooded Scene" 72" x approx 157" long in 4 sections £40-60 -
447 A handsome 19th Century pierced brass inkwell surmounted by a figure of an eagle with wings outstretched, fitted a stamp box to the middle (hinge f) and having 2 blue porcelain inkwells £160-220 -
448 An antique golf ball with red stitching £100-150 -
449 A Kukri with heavily engraved grip, 2 skinning knives and a leather scabbard £40-60 -
450 2 Eastern daggers with 7" blades contained in a gilt metal scabbards £30-50 -
451 A French chassepot bayonet with brass grip, the blade dated 1871 £40-60 -
452 A Victorian reproduction 17th Century axe with iron head 12" and with wooden shaft £140-180 -
453 A Victorian Light Infantry officer's sword and scabbard £100-150 ILLUSTRATED -
454 A French chassepot bayonet with steel blade marked A Stevens Maastrich with brass grip £40-60 -
455 A 17th Century style double edged sword with 28" blade £70-90 ILLUSTRATED -
456 A collection of various flint lock hammers and trigger guards etc £40-60 -