Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 6th of August 2008

Lot No Description Est Image
300 A clockwork locomotive, various rails etc £20-30 -
300 A pair of bookends decorated vintage cars, an onyx ashtray and matching lighter, a clothes brush £5-10 -
300 Frederick Forsyth "The Odessa File" published by Hutchinson & Co 1972 £10-20 -
300 A humerous 1930's Paper & Goodman advertising fan for Dobbs Cookies and Wafers £30-40 -
300 2 Imperial Russian painted wooden eggs and a collection of other eggs £20-30 -
300 A Wade decanter containing Pursers Royal Navy Rum and 1 other (2) £10-20 -
300 A Buckingham Palace letter and a collection of Royal magazines etc £30-50 -
300 T E Lawrence "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" 1 vol 12th Impression November 1938 £10-20 -
300 A collection of various toy farm figures etc £10-20 -
300 A collection of various lighters, a bronze medallion, a corkscrew and a bangle £10-20 -
300 A mahogany and brass Customs and Excise dip measure, marked Bate London, makers to Excise and Customs and 1 other rule marked Farrow & Jackson Ltd London £30-50 -
300 A Corgi British Telecom service set, boxed £20-30 -
300 A pair of Keldin, White & Hutton field glasses in leather case £10-20 -
300 A Selecta lathe, boxed 15" £20-30 -
300 2 Meccano car kits £10-20 -
300 13 various gilt metal wall light brackets, some with shades £30-50 -
300 A collection of various treen items including condiment set, lidded jars etc £10-20 -
300 An oval glass dome 7" with wooden base £20-30 -
300 A section of patchwork quilt and a section of Berlin wool work tapestry £10-20 -
300 A collection of various loose stamp album sheets etc £5-10 -
300 A large collection of various Turkish coffee pots £40-60 -
300 2 circular Eastern red lacquered jars and covers £20-30 -
301 A Georgian pewter twin handled sugar bowl raised on 4 bun feet 6" £10-20 -
302 A 19th Century leather strap hung 4 bells £10-20 -
303 An Alvey Bakelite and chrome centre pin fishing reel 5" £5-10 -