Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 31st of August 2011

Lot No Description Est Image
1077 A large collection of mint 1967 half pennies 20-30
1078 A collection of coins 10-20
1079 A collection of coins 10-20
1080 8 various blue folders containing coins - half crowns, florins, shillings and sixpences 30-50
1081 A collection of coins 10-20
1082 A collection of gilt metal bowling club badges 15-20
1083 A blue plastic ring binder album of various coins 20-30
1084 A pair of silver plated salad servers, 6 silver handled tea knives, set of 6 tea knives and 6 silver plated teaspoons, all cased 20-30
1085 A collection of costume jewellery 10-20
1086 A silver George V Silver Jubilee medallion and a small collection of silver coins 20-30
1087 A collection of various coins 10-20
1088 A box of various coins 40-60
1089 A Georgian crown - rubbed and a collection of various coins 10-20
1090 A collection of various proof sets of coins 30-50
1091 A collection of various silver coins 20-30
1092 An oak canteen box containing a collection of coins 20-30
1093 A silver plated crumb tray, a set of fish knives and forks, 1 fork missing, cased and a sugar tongs 10-20
1094 A collection of knives and a small collection of table linen 10-20
1095 A set of 12 silver plated fish knives and forks contained in an oak canteen box 30-50
1096 A set of 23 cake knives and forks with mother of pearl handles, 1 fork missing, 1 knife f, contained in a mahogany canteen box 40-60
1097 A Victorian steel 3 piece carving set comprising knife, fork and steel with staghorn handles 20-30
1098 10 silver proof ingots - The Queen's Beasts 14 ozs 120-150
1099 A set of 6 silver plated fish knives and forks contained in an oak canteen box and 6 table knives, cased 10-20
1100 A collection of silver plated flatware 10-20
1101 A collection of empty jewellery boxes 20-30