Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 31st of August 2011

Lot No Description Est Image
1127 A walking stick with silver band and 1 other 10-20
1128 An umbrella with silver handle 15-20
1129 A small collection of coins and 2 small Oriental vases etc 10-20
1130 An Oriental carved green hardstone snuff bottle 2" 30-50
1131 An oval metal frame 3" 10-20
1132 A "Holly" walking stick 20-30
1133 A lady's 9ct white gold dress ring set tanzanite 40-50
1134 An Art Nouveau style walking stick with plastic handle 5-10
1135 A quantity of costume jewellery 10-20
1136 A Bosun's whistle, a map measure and other sundry items 20-30
1137 A cased set of 6 fish knives and 6 forks 5-10