Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 10th of December 2014

Lot No Description Est Image
1020 An Art Deco sapphire and diamond tie pin 250-350
1021 A cultured pearl necklace with 14ct yellow gold clasp and a pair of ensuite ear studs 20-40
1022 A 22ct gold wedding band, 2 grams, a wristwatch 30-50
1023 A yellow gold diamond set open pendant 100-150
1024 A 4 colour cultured pearl necklace with 9ct gold clasp 16" 200-300
1025 A pair of silver gilt gem set earrings 20-30
1026 An unmounted ruby, approx 4ct 20-30
1027 A 9ct gold necklet, a gilt chain and minor safety chains, 4 grams 50-75
1028 A string of cultured pearls together with an ensuite bracelet with 14ct gold clasp 30-60
1029 An Edwardian 9ct gold bar brooch and minor jewellery 20-40
1030 A quantity of paste and other costume jewellery 15-25
1031 A gun metal sovereign case and an Albert with coin 20-40
1032 A quantity of silver costume jewellery 30-60
1033 A Victorian silver Etruscan brooch and matching earrings contained in a fitted case 50-80
1034 Minor costume jewellery including a silver teaspoon 15-25
1035 A silver marcasite cameo brooch and minor costume jewellery 30-50
1036 A souvenir of Brighton silver plated stud box containing minor plated cufflinks etc 20-30
1037 A modern lapis lazuli bead necklace 20", a pair of ensuite earrings, a ring and bracelet 50-80
1038 A quantity of hardstone necklaces and bracelets 50-100
1039 2 hardstone bead necklaces 25-45
1040 A gilt Albert and minor costume jewellery 30-50
1041 2 pearl and hardstone necklaces, a ditto bracelet 25-45
1042 A gilt and hardstone bracelet, 2 chains 10-20
1043 A Chinese hardstone necklace 10-20
1044 A quantity of Victorian and later costume jewellery including a silver cheroot case 30-60