Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 9th of February 2005

Lot No Description Est Image
14 An Edwardian oval plate mirror contained in an inlaid mahogany frame 29" £30-50 -
15 A 19th Century D shaped over mantel mirror contained in an ornate gilt frame 58" £120-180 -
20 A Victorian rectangular bevelled plate wall mirror contained in a carved oak frame 39" £20-30 -
27 A Queen Anne style shaped plate mirror contained in a mahogany frame 57" £275-375 -
48 A rectangular bevelled plate Queen Anne style dressing table mirror contained in a shaped walnutwood swing frame 22" £30-50 -
61 A 19th Century rectangular plate wall mirror contained in a walnut and gilt finished frame 30" £5-10 -
75 An Ottoman period bevelled plate wall mirror contained in a highly elaborate lacquered frame 41" £80-120 -
104 A Regency triple plate over mantel mirror with moulded and ball studded cornice, the frieze decorated a chariot flanked by a pair of Corinthian columns 58" £250-350 -
118 An Edwardian rectangular plate dressing table mirror contained in an ebonised swing frame 27" £20-40 -
121 A pair of 19th Century rectangular bevelled plate chimney mirrors with frieze decorated chariots contained in gilt frames 22" £100-150 -
125 A triple plate over-mantel mirror 55" £10-20 -
130 A rectangular bevelled plate wall mirror contained in a gilt frame 43" £20-30 -
135 An Edwardian triple plate over mantel mirror contained in an inlaid mahogany frame supported by fluted columns 54" £150-200 -
151 An Art Deco arch shaped bevelled plate wall mirror contained in an inlaid mahogany frame 33" £40-60 -
157 An Edwardian multiple plate over mantel mirror fitted shelves and contained in a carved walnutwood frame 32" £30-50 -
162 A rectangular bevelled plate wall mirror contained in a decorative gilt frame surmounted by a ribbon garland, 54" £20-40 -
165 A 19th Century French rectangular plate wall mirror contained in a decorative ball studded frame surmounted by a Rococo crest 34" £75-125 -