Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 17th of February 2016

Lot No Description Est Image
151 A good 1920's childs wooden polychrome 2 storey dolls house, dated 1925, 17"h x 20"w x 13"d 150-250
251 A Minic motor rally motor racing game M/1516 boxed (box damaged), ditto hump back bridge boxed, ditto track and various cars 50-75
252 An Aurora Derby Day game, an Ideal Rebound game boxed, a Colditz board game, a Subbuteo International Edition table rugby game and Louis Marx Arnold Palmer Pro-shot golf game 30-50
324 A collection of Airfix HO.00 scale figures of soldier and a collection of HO miniature Minitanks 26-36
325 A Marklin painted tin plate musical spinning top 4", a metal Muffin The Mule puppet (f) and other curios etc 30-50
326 A porcelain headed doll with sleep eyes, open mouth and 2 teeth, having a fabric body and a naive wooden puppet of a minstrel, a yellow teddy bear 13" 28-38
328 An Escalado race game with 5 horses (1f), boxed, (box damaged) 30-50
334 A Nigerian carved wooden figural chess set complete with board 40-60
336 Armand Marseille, a German porcelain headed doll with sleeping eyes and closed mouth, head incised AM Germany 534118 30-50
344 A collection of Dinky and other toy cars, all play worn 20-30