Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 12th of February 2025

Lot No Description Est Image
304 Roman Empire, Tiberius, 1st Century AD, copper As, 25mm, Obv: Laureate head left/ Rev: Rudder superimposed on large banded globe, S-C across fields. S.1772, VF. 70-90
305 Roman Empire, Vespasian, 69-79 AD, brass Sestertius, 33mm, Obv: Laureate bust of Vespasian, right / Rev: Palm tree, male Jewish captive standing, left, Judaea seated, right, resting head on hand. S.2325, F. 60-80
306 Roman Empire, Vespasian, Rome, 71 AD, copper As, 28mm, Obv: Laureate bust, right / Rev: AEQVITAS AVGVSTI, Equity, standing left, holding scales and sceptre. S.2356, VF. 70-90
307 Roman Empire, Domitian, 81-96 AD, brass Sestertius, 36mm, Obv: Laureate bust of Domitian right / Rev: Domitian togate sacrificing over altar, shrine in background. S.2776, F. 80-100
308 Roman Empire, Antonius Pius, 140-144 AD, brass Sestertius, 32mm, Obv: Laureate bust of Antoninus Pius, right / Rev: Britannia seated left on rock, holding standard in right hand and resting left elbow on round shield set on helmet. S.4153, F. 75-95
309 Carausius, c. 286-293 AD, bronze Antoninianus, 20mm, Obv: Radiate head of Carausius, right/ Felicitas, left, holding cornucopiae. S.13552, F, Roman Empire, Allectus, 293-296 AD, bronze Antoninianinus, 23mm, Obv: Radiate bust of Allectus / Rev: Laetitia standing left holding wreath and anchor. S.13811, VG and Roman Empire, Licinius I, c. 308-324 AD, bronze Follis, 23mm, Obv: Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Licinius right / Rev: Jupiter, naked, standing facing, head left, holding Victory and resting on sceptre, eagle standing to left at his feet. S.15211, F (3) 30-40
310 Roman Empire, Vetranio, 350 AD, billon/bronze Maiorina, 18mm, Obv: Laureate bust, right / Rev: Emperor standing left, holding chi-rho standard, to right is Victory, crowning him with wreath and Roman Empire, Julian II, 361-363 AD, billon/bronze Double Maiorina, 28mm, Obv: Diademed, cuirassed bust right / Rev: Bull, head facing, standing right, two stars above. S.19144, VF (2) 70-90
311 Roman Empire, Julian II, 360-363 AD, bronze Double Maiorina, 28mm, Obv: Diademed, cuirassed bust right / Rev: Bull, head facing, standing right, two stars above. S.19144, VF and Zeugitana, Carthage, late 3rd century BC, 19mm, bronze coinage, Obv: Head of Tanit left / Rev: Horse neck and head right. S.6522, F (2) 60-80
312 Roman Empire, six bronze coins, including Constantine I, Crispus, Helena and Delmatius and Zeugitana, Carthage, late 3rd century BC, 19mm, bronze coinage, Obv: Head of Tanit left / Rev: Horse neck and head right. S.6522, F (7) 30-40
313 Zeugitana, Carthage, late 3rd century BC, 21mm, bronze coinage, Obv: Head of Tanit, left / Rev: Horse standing, right, head turned back to left. S.6512, F and Zeugitana, Carthage, late 3rd century BC, 21mm, bronze coinage, Obv: Head of Tanit, left / Rev: Horse standing, right, facing left. S.6512, aF (2) 30-40
314 Zeugitana, Carthage (Sardinia), late 3rd century BC, 26mm, bronze coinage, Obv: Head of Tanit facing left / Rev: Horse neck and head right. S.6520, F. 45-55
315 Barcids in Spain, 3rd century BC, 15mm, bronze Didrachm, Obv: Head of Tanit, left / Rev: Horse galloping, right. S.6555 together with Judea, Herod Archelaus, 4 BC to 6 AD, 10mm, bronze Prutah, Obv: Bunch of grapes on vine with small leaf on left / Rev: Tall helmet with crest and straps, viewed from front (2) 25-35
316 United Kingdom,1798 bronze Medal for the battle of the Nile (Davison's Medal; des, C.H. Kuchler). 47mm. Obv: Hope standing on a rocky promontory, holding an oval medallion featuring bust of Lord Nelson / Rev: British fleet assembled in Aboukir bay before the battle. 150-180
317 United Kingdom, Edward VII, 1902 bronze Coronation Medal, 56mm. Obv: Crowned bust of Edward VII / Rev: Crowned bust of Queen Alexandra. 50-70
318 France, 1832 bronze Medal for Mary Queen of Scots' marriage to Philip of Spain, 1558. 52mm. Obv: Two busts facing each other, crown above / Rev: Crowned shield of arms. 50-70
319 United Kingdom, Edward VII, 1902 silver Coronation Medal, 55mm, 86g. Obv: Crowned bust of Edward VII / Rev: Crowned bust of Queen Alexandra. In presentation case. 130-160
320 United Kingdom, George V, 1915 English bronze replica of German Medal for the sinking of the Lusitania (des, K. Goetz). 55mm. Obv: The Lusitania sinking in heavy seas / Rev: Skeleton standing left, in ticket booth, queue of passengers to the left. 20-30
321 A sovereign 1903 420-460
322 A sovereign 1926 420-460
323 A half sovereign 1910 200-250
324 A half sovereign 1913 200-250
325 A half sovereign 1914 200-250
326 An American gold dollar 1850 drilled, a 5 drachma 1876 drilled, a George III half guinea 1817 with attached ring 220-260
327 A 900th Anniversary 22ct gold coin - Battle of Hastings dated 1966, 32mm, 31.5 grams, no.539/2500 1300-1500
328 A Britannia 100 pound gold coin 1987 no.01749 of 2500 34 grams 1850-1950