Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 12th of January 2005

Lot No Description Est Image
805 Watercolour "Dutch Bridge" indistinctly signed 9" x 18" £15-20 -
806 A pencil drawing "Norwegian Fjord" indistinctly signed 11" x 17" £15-25 -
807 Leo Rawlings, a coloured print "Suffolk Estuary" 18" x 25" £20-30 -
808 A limited edition coloured print "S.TS Malcolm Miller" signed by the Captain and artist 13" x 17" £20-30 -
809 A reproduction Charles Johnson Payne Snaffles coloured print "The Finest View in Europe" 10" x 20" £20-30 -
810 Oil painting on board, head and shoulders portrait "Elderly Man" 17" x 14" £20-30 -
811 A pair of coloured prints "Children, a Little Bit of Heaven and Awakening" 14" x 20" £20-30 -
812 A 19th Century coloured print "Mother and Daughter" 14" oval £20-30 -
813 William Albert, a 19th Century coloured print "Play Mates" 14" oval £20-30 -
814 C E Shaw, watercolour drawing "Welsh Girl" the base marked To F G Patterson with compliments 10" x 7" £20-30 -
815 A Louise Mizen poster for "Horses and Dance Exhibition 1992" 15" x 11" £20-30 -
816 A pair of reproduction monochrome prints "Pig Sticking The Mother and Father of a Jerk and What's Sauce for the Goose etc" 4" x 7" £5-10 -
817 3 reproduction coloured hunting prints "Mr Jollocks Has a Buyday, Mr Buntings Shocking Bad Horse and Hunting The Hounds" 5" x 6" £10-20 -
818 A reproduction coloured hunting print "Simon Harvey Side and His Hounds" 12" x 6" £10-20 -
819 A Louise Mizen poster for "1992 Exhibition" 10" x 7" £5-10 -
820 10 various hunting prints £20-30 -
821 3 various monochrome prints of naked ladies £10-20 -
822 Yuksle Aydin, modern art, oil on canvas "September 11th" painted the day before the disaster, a premonition by the artist, signed, 32" x 36" £40-60 -
823 B Enger, oil painting on board "Fenland Cottage with Windmill" signed and dated 1924 11" x 16" £300-400 -
824 A 19th/20th Century watercolour drawing "Scottish Scene with Rocky Torrent and Trees" 23" x 27" £200-300 -
825 After Sir William Russell Flint, a coloured print "Corinna" 7" x 10" £10-20 -
826 A 19th Century rectangular silver plated biscuit box with hinged lid 9" £20-30 -
827 A silver plated 5 branch epergne with 5 cut glass vases (1 f) £100-150 -
828 An impressive Eastern embossed silver urn and cover raised on a circular spreading foot, hung chains 7" 22 ozs £50-75 -
829 An impressive embossed Eastern silver pedestal table centre piece of square tapered form, raised on 4 acanthus leaf covered columns 12" 18 ozs, £60-90 -