Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 12th of January 2005

Lot No Description Est Image
933 An oval pierced ivory pendant in the form of a lady with bird 3" £30-50 -
934 A gilt metal double Albert watch chain £10-15 -
935 4 gilt metal wedding bands £10-20 -
936 A Scots silver brooch in the form of an Eastern mythical beast £20-30 -
937 An early high carat gold pendant 1 1/2" (f) £25-35 -
938 3 stick pins £30-50 -
939 An early "plastic" oval photo locket, the lid carved flowers and a double sided photo locket £15-20 -
940 A gilt metal brooch in the form of a flower head and a do. decorated pearls (2) £5-10 -
941 A lava carved cameo portrait ring set in a silver mount £20-30 -
942 A lady's gold bar brooch set a diamond cut blue stone (loose) £10-20 -
943 A lady's 18ct white gold pendant set 3 diamonds (approx 0.63ct) £375-450 -
944 A lady' of diamond ear studs (approx 0.40ct) £250-300 -
945 A pair of ear studs set square cut sapphires surrounded by 13 diamonds £350-450 -
946 A 1939/45 British War medal £5-10 -
947 A silver pair cased pocket watch, a lady's illusion set gold dress ring set diamonds and 1 other, a mother of pearl cross, 2 gilt metal brooches, a pen knife and a set of 4 tartan studs £20-30 -
948 A 19th Century mother of pearl card case 4" (hinge f) £30-50 -
949 A brass and enamel match slip, a silver plated chamber stick candle snuffer, an Eastern embossed silver dip pen, a nut pick, a horn spoon and 4 silver plated condiment spoons £10-20 -
950 A silver egg timer frame, a silver napkin ring and a cylindrical treen box 2" £20-30 -
951 An embossed silver plated watch hanger £20-30 -
952 A Superior Railway Time Keepers open face pocket watch, contained in a gun metal case, the dial with Roman numerals £20-30 -
953 A gold plated Langtree watch chain 10" £20-30 -
954 An Edwardian gold bar brooch in the form of 2 doves set demi-pearls £30-50 -
955 A rectangular Eastern embossed silver box with hinged lid decorated elephant and tiger 4" £15-25 -
956 A 19th Century Dutch ivory pipe cleaner in the form of a standing priest 3" and 5 pierced ivory miniature mounts 4" and 2" £30-40 -
957 An Eastern engraved silver baluster shaped urn and cover 6" and a pair of silver plated sugar tongs £15-20 -