Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Thursday 25th of January 2024

Lot No Description Est Image
381 A brass sestertius coin for Claudius, Rome 41/2AD, the reverse shows an oak-wreath containing four lines of text 140-180
382 A brass sestertius coin for Antoninus Pius, Rome 146AD, the reverse shows Antoninus in a triumphal quadriga 60-80
383 A brass dupondius coin for Maximin I, Rome 235/6AD, the reverse side shows Providentia with a globe at her feet 30-50
384 Two bronze sestertius coins for Gordian III, Rome 239-240AD, one reverse shows Salus seated, the other shows Securitas standing 30-50
385 A brass dupondius coin for Claudius, 41-54AD, minted in Gaul 30-50
386 Three brass dupondius coins for the wives of Roman emperors: Herennia Etruscilla (Trojan Decius); Julia Domna (Septimius Severus); Marcia Severa (Phillip I), all date from 200AD to 250AD 80-120
387 A collection of dupondius and other Roman coins dating from 100AD to 300AD 60-80
388 A collection of dupondius and other Roman coins dating from 100AD to 300AD 60-80
389 A collection of 3 Phoenician coins minted at colonies established in Spain, these coins date from about 200BC 70-90
390 A collection of copper pennies and half pennies, British, from before 1860 30-50
390 A silver short cross penny of Henry III, 1216-47, London Mint, the coin has been bent and reflattened 60-80
390 A silver short cross penny of Henry III 1216-47, London mint 60-80
390 A silver penny of Edward I, 1279-81, minted at London 30-40
390 A silver penny of Edward I, 1279-81, minted at London 30-40
390 A silver half groat of Edward III, fourth coinage, 1351-61, minted in London 30-40
390 A group of 5 medieval silver pennies and half pennies of the Norman and Plantagenet periods 1066-1399 80-120
390 Two silver commemorative crowns 1935 Silver Jubilee of George V and 1937 coronation of George VI, both crowns are 0.500 silver 30-40
390 A collection of British Commonwealth and world coins and tokens, 19th Century to date 30-40
391 A small collection of British cartwheel pennies and two pence coins, 1797 30-50
392 A collection of world coins from the 17th Century and earlier 30-50
393 A collection of world coins from the 18th Century 30-50
394 A collection of Asian and African coins from the 19th Century and earlier 30-50
395 A collection of American and Canadian coins, plus a collection of British Empire coins 30-50
396 A collection of world coins from the 19th Century 30-50
397 A Russian silver coin of Alexander II, face value 1 Poltina, equal to one-half rouble 200-250