Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 6th of July 2016

Lot No Description Est Image
1000 A 17th/18th Century oak hutch side cabinet, fitted 2 drawers, raised on ring turned supports with box framed stretcher 29 1/2"h x 36"w x 21"d 240-300
1001 A Victorian oval figured and inlaid walnut stretcher table with quarter veneered top, raised on turned supports with H framed stretcher 28"h x 41"w x 21"d 140-180
1002 A Victorian style circular 2 tier mahogany jardiniere stand on spiral turned supports with under tier 39"h x 11" diam. 30-50
1003 A 1930's The Le-Zi Way extending draw leaf dining table, raised on club supports with H framed stretcher 30"h x 24"w x 53"l x 102" when extended 50-75
1004 A set of 3 Georgian mahogany bar back dining chairs with carved mid rails and upholstered seats, raised on turned supports 30-50
1005 A 19th Century rectangular walnut architects table with ratcheted top fitted 2 drawers with brass drop handles, raised on turned and reeded supports 40"h x 42"w x 21"d 150-200
1006 A Sheraton style shield shaped dressing table mirror contained in a mahogany swing frame 23" x 15" 30-50
1007 A Kashmir carved walnut drop flap gateleg tea table, raised on square supports 26"h x 24"w x 11 1/2" when closed x 36" when extended 30-50
1008 An Edwardian inlaid mahogany bow front display cabinet, the raised mirrored back with 3/4 gallery above a cupboard fitted 3 shelves enclosed by lead glazed panelled doors, raised on square tapering supports with undertier, 63"h x 25"w x 15"d 120-160
1009 A Victorian rectangular carved oak 2 tier occasional table raised on turned and block supports 28"h x 29 1/2"w x 16"d 30-50
1010 A Georgian style inlaid yew bachelor's chest by Reprodux fitted 4 long drawers with brass swan neck drop handles 29"h x 23"w x 14"d 50-75
1011 An Edwardian graduated circular mahogany 3 tier cake stand 31"h bottom tier 12" diam., middle 11" diam. and top 10" diam. 20-40
1012 An Art Deco mahogany bow front display cabinet with raised back, fitted shelves enclosed by astragal glazed doors, raised on bracket feet 47"h x 34"w x 14"d 40-60
1013 A pair of Victorian walnut balloon back dining chairs with carved mid rails and seats of serpentine outline 30-50
1014 A rectangular oak 2 tier coffee table fitted 2 frieze drawers, raised on turned and block supports with undertier 18 1/2"h x 48"w x 24"d 50-75
1015 Fischel, a Czechoslovakian bentwood armchair, raised on turned supports, the seat with old signs of worm 20-40
1016 A Georgian oval drop flap dining table, raised on carved cabriole ball and claw supports 30"h x 41 1/2"w x 22" when closed by 64" when fully extended 120-150
1017 A Heals Art Deco figured walnut quarter veneered single panel end bedstead 55"h x 26"w (no irons) 20-30
1018 A 19th Century French walnut pot cupboard with black veined marble top, fitted a drawer above a panelled door 30"h x 16"w x 14"d 85-100
1019 An Edwardian inlaid mahogany box seat piano stool with hinged lid, raised on square tapering supports 23"h x 22"w x 16"d 20-30
1020 An N Johnson Georgian style circular mahogany pedestal coffee table, raised on pillar and tripod supports ending in brass caps and castors 19"h x 36" diam. 60-80
1021 An 18th Century style elm stick back Windsor carver chair with crinoline stretcher, raised on turned supports 70-100
1022 A Chinese pale hardwood carved square jardiniere stand with fretwork undertier 30"h x 14 1/2" square 110-150
1023 A rectangular oak joined stool with arcaded decoration, raised on spiral turned supports with box framed stretcher 19" x 20 1/2"w x 13"d 30-50
1024 A Victorian domed figured walnut trinket/jewellery box with gilt metal mounts inset a cabochon polished stone to the centre 3"h x 8"w x 5"d 40-50