Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 1st of June 2005

Lot No Description Est Image
224 A Bush Type AC91 radio contained in a brown and white Bakelite case £15-20 -
225 A Victorian embossed brass helmet shaped coal box £40-60 -
226 A 1920's wooden model of a paddle steamer 39" £90-120 -
227 A brass preserving pan with polished steel handle £25-35 -
228 A green painted metal and brass magic lantern £40-60 -
229 A Victorian pierced cast iron umbrella stand 21" (damage to handle of drip tray) £75-125 -
230 A 19th Century wooden and iron seed drill with solid iron wheels by Horrace Fuller Ltd Freedix Works Horsham Sussex £20-30 -
231 A childs metal Webb manual lawn mower £30-50 -
232 A Prasmatic compass marked CXN £10-20 -
233 A pair of 19th Century bronze plaques depicting classical scenes 5" x 5" £20-40 -
234 A 1920's aluminium and ebony finished table lighter in the form of a bottle of wine with 2 glasses 4" £10-20 -
235 A circular carved coconut bowl with zinc liner 3 1/2", an Eastern bronze figure of an attendant with fan 2", a polished steel corkscrew and a bronze plaque in the form of a lion 3" £5-10 -
236 A packet of Player's cigarette cards, unopened £5-10 -
237 A tin plate figure of a ladybird 2" and a tin plate duck call 3" (2) £10-20 -
238 A fine quality 19th Century Eastern hardwood and ivory banded trinket box with hinged lid, raised on paw feet 12" £180-220 -
239 A pair of fine quality 19th Century horn and ivory trinket boxes with hinged lids raised on paw supports 6 1/2" £180-220 -
240 A tin plate model of a dog marked Nero 4 1/2" and a tin plate clockwork figure of a butterfly 3" £10-20 -
241 A 1930's oval steel Wandsworth Building Society money box together with 1 other in the form of a book, both case and in excellent condition £20-30 -
242 A section of 18th Century embossed metal fire mark for County 9" x 6 1/2" (damaged) £10-20 -
243 A brass hydrometer by G H Zeal of London £10-20 -
244 3 various Eastern hardstone model instruments £40-60 -
245 An etched Art Glass panel depicting The Acropolis 6" x 9" £90-120 -
246 A Russian oval lacquered box, the lid decorated a sleigh scene 7 1/2" £30-40 -
247 A talking figure of Captain Black and Captain Scarlet £10-15 -
248 A K P Morritt's Intrepid "Envoy" fishing reel, a Match 520 fishing reel, a K P Morritt's Intrepid "Regent" fishing reel and 2 K P Morritt's "Intrepid de Luxe" fishing reels £10-20 -