Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 1st of June 2005

Lot No Description Est Image
300 A pair of brass fire dogs £20-30 -
300 An embossed fire mark "The Farmer's Fire and Life" £20-30 -
300 An Eastern carved hardwood wall mask £20-30 -
300 A large and impressive Eastern engraved metal urn with liner, raised on a circular spreading foot 16" £20-30 -
300 A 20th Century brass Samovar (tap f) 21" £20-30 -
300 A large and impressive Eastern engraved metal goblet shaped urn with liner 14" £20-30 -
300 A collection of miscellaneous books £5-10 -
300 A 20th Century brass Samovar 18" (tap f) £20-30 -
300 A pair of large and impressive Eastern engraved metal urns and covers of bottle form 22" £25-35 -
300 A leather bound family bible £10-20 -
300 A metal ammunition box £5-10 -
300 A 19th Century mahogany box with hinged lid and a small collection of Masonic regalia £10-20 -
300 An adjustable leather suitcase "The Rigial" £10-20 -
300 A Diana model 5 air pistol £10-20 -
300 A 1930's wooden table lamp in the form of a yacht £10-20 -
300 A collection of old photographs etc £5-10 -
300 A copper warming pan with turned oak handle £15-25 -
300 A pair of 19th Century spelter figures of Cavaliers, raised on oval bases 21" (1f) £40-50 -
300 A pair of laboratory scales by Loerting Ltd London, contained in a mahogany case £25-35 -
300 An Alwave Oscillator, a Universal Avometer and 1 other meter £10-20 -
300 A collection of various metal railway figures £30-50 -
300 A Triang Hornby RS606 Express set, boxed £25-35 -
301 A pair of elm Blacksmith's/Old Hoover bellows £10-20 -
302 A Victorian stuffed and mounted cock pheasant contained in a display case 22" x 31" £30-50 -
303 A Victorian taxidermy arrangement of 4 birds contained under a glass dome £75-125 -