Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 1st of June 2005

Lot No Description Est Image
420 A pair of cut glass light fittings £20-30 -
420 A pair of gas light wall brackets with white glass shades converted to electricity £40-50 -
420 A fine quality Oriental lacquered trinket box, the lid inlaid mother of pearl and other semi-precious stones in the form of a seated gentleman beneath a tree with child 8" £40-60 -
420 A 19th/20th Century lead garden figure of a standing boy 28" £200-250 -
420 A 19th/20th Century steel, copper and iron portable fire pump, raised on iron wheels £20-30 -
420 A 19th Century lacquered chinoiserie style wall pocket 7" £10-20 -
420 A blue enamelled Westminster Bank sign £20-30 -
421 A brass pocket primus stove £5-10 -
422 A modern Eastern cloisonne miniature coffee pot £15-25 -
423 An English pewter 2 bottle egg cruet, a planished pewter toast rack, 4 various pewter napkin rings and a tankard £10-20 -
424 A figured walnut cigarette box with hinged lid 9" £10-20 -
426 A bottle of 1975 Graham's Vintage port £10-20 -
428 A reproduction training American pineapple hand grenade £5-10 -
429 2 old wooden shuttles £5-10 -
430 An Arthotone stereoscope £5-10 -
432 A Victorian 1 gallon copper harvest measure £50-75 -
433 A pair of spelter figures "Classical Ladies" 15" (1f) £20-30 -
434 A pair of 19th/20th Century bronze candlesticks in the form of Continental street lamps 8 1/2" £35-45 -
435 A 4 piece Eastern embossed metal tea/coffee service comprising teapot, coffee pot, twin handled sugar bowl and cover and cream jug £30-50 -
436 A black lacquered musical cigarette box £35-45 -
437 A pair of Eastern carved hard wood wall masks £20-30 -
438 A collection of antique glass bottles £5-10 -
439 Indian painted wooden dolls £20-30 -
440 2 carved Eastern hardwood wall masks £20-30 -
441 A Westlake air pistol £10-20 -