Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 1st of June 2005

Lot No Description Est Image
468 A Dutch style brass 12 light electrolier £20-30 -
469 A Chroma Harp £20-30 -
470 A 19th Century plaster crib model of the baby Christ, the reverse incised LS3, (fingers chipped, feet chipped, some damage) £30-50 -
471 An Edison cylinder phonograph complete with horn £150-200 -
472 A 1930's carved wooden table lamp with fruit decoration £20-30 -
473 A pair of well weathered 19th Century circular stone urns of trumpet form, the bodies with demi-reeded decoration 17" high, 12" diameter, £100-150 -
474 A pair of well weathered 19th Century circular stone urns of trumpet form, the bodies with demi-reeded decoration 17" high, 12" diameter £100-150 -
475 A pair of well weathered 19th Century circular stone urns of trumpet form, the bodies with demi-reeded decoration 17" high, 12" diameter £100-150 -
476 A fine pair of Victorian pierced Worcester twin handled vases, base with shield mark and marked G & CW 1164, 7 1/2" (1 handle f and r) 8" £375-475 -
477 A fine quality Victorian Royal Worcester jug, the handle in the form of a mythical beast, base with green Worcester mark and impressed Worcester mark, 782 (large crack to base) 15" £100-150 -
478 A pair of French 19th Century rectangular bottle shaped urns and covers decorated birds amidst flowering branches 10" (1 lid f and r) £90-120 -
479 A late Dresden twin handled pot pouri urn and cover with panelled decoration of ladies and gentleman, base with crowned D mark 12" £140-180 -
480 A 20th Century Dresden twin handled urn and cover (finial f) with floral decoration and goats mask handles 6" £50-75 -
481 A Royal Doulton figure "Andrea" HN3058 £30-50 -
482 A Royal Doulton famous ships bowl, decorated The Victory, reverse marked Australian RD 5957, 11" £40-50 -
483 A Doulton Burslem blue and gilt glazed vase 12" (cracked) £40-60 -
484 A 1979 Royal Doulton twin handled commemorative cup to commemorate The Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher, First Woman Prime Minister £15-25 -
485 A Royal Doulton figure "Paula" HN2906 £40-60 -
486 A Royal Doulton limited edition figure "Mary Queen of Scotts" HN3142 £40-60 -
487 A medium Royal Doulton character jug Old Charlie 4" (chipped and repaired) £5-10 -
488 A Royal Doulton medium character jug Rip Van Winkle, (chip to hat) 4" £5-10 -
489 A Doulton Lambeth cylindrical tobacco jar and cover, base marked Doulton Lambeth 80 94, 5" (chip to inside of lid) £20-30 -
490 A pair of Royal Doulton, Doulton & Slater pattern salt glazed waisted vases, bases impressed Doulton & Slater Royal Doulton 5615 and incised SB 3" £30-50 -
491 A Royal Doulton salt glazed teapot, the base marked Royal Doulton incised 3567 £25-35 -
492 A pair of Doulton Lambeth salt glazed vases of baluster form, decorated Autumn leaves, the base marked Doulton Lambeth and incised A W (bases drilled for lamps) 9" £50-75 -