Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 1st of June 2005

Lot No Description Est Image
694 A circular blue and white striped T G Greener Cornish Kitchen ware storage jar marked Lentils, the base with black shield mark (some crazing to the lid) £20-40 -
695 A circular blue and white striped T G Greener Cornish Kitchen ware storage jar marked Sago, the base with black shield mark (chip to rim) £20-40 -
696 A circular blue and white striped T G Greener Cornish Kitchen ware storage jar marked Sugar, the base with green Cathedral mark £20-40 -
697 3 circular Cornish storage jars - Castor Sugar, Flour and Plain Flour (all damaged) £15-25 -
698 A Cauldon octagonal blue and white pottery plate decorated mythical scenes 9" (cracked) £10-20 -
699 A Beswick Babycham ashtray (cracked to base) 11" £5-10 -
700 A circular Wedgwood blue Jasperware biscuit barrel with silver plated mounts (some chips to base) 4" £5-10 -
701 A late Japanese Satsuma porcelain vase decorated warriors 15" £30-50 -
702 A cut glass decanter and stopper together with 4 circular cut glass ice plates £10-20 -
703 A Royal Doulton harvestware teapot (spout f) and a do. tobacco jar (f) £10-20 -
704 A Victorian Allertons blue and white pottery tureen and cover with matching stand (chip to rim) £15-25 -
705 An oval twin handled Royal Worcester Evesham Gold pattern tureen and cover 11" £20-30 -
706 A Royal Worcester Evesham Gold pattern twin handled tureen and cover 10", another 8" and 3 others 9" and 7" (4) £25-35 -
707 3 circular Royal Worcester Evesham Gold pattern flan dishes 7", 6 1/2" and 5 1/2" together with 2 circular flan dishes 7 1/2" £20-40 -
708 An oval Royal Worcester Evesham Gold pattern bowl 14" (paint damaged to the centre) do. oval meat plate 11 1/2" (chipped), a rectangular dish 10", a circular gratin dish 6 1/2", preserve jar and cover, sauce boat and stand (stand dish), oval gratin dish 9", a circular dish 10", circular twin handled bowl 5 1/2", oval shallow dish 8 1/2", tureen lid 7", circular bowl 8 1/2" £30-50 -
709 A 51 piece Royal Worcester Evesham Gold pattern dinner service comprising 6 dinner plates 10", 4 side plates 9 1/2", 5 tea plates 8" (chipped), 5 cereal bowls 7", milk jug (chip to spout), circular dish 4", cream jug, tea plate 6 1/2", 4 saucers 6 1/2", 4 tea saucers 6 1/2", 6 twin handle soup bowls, 2 breakfast cups, 3 tea cups, cream jug, pedestal sugar bowl, twin handled preserve jar and a teapot (gilding rubbed throughout) £35-45 -
710 A large Limoges cup and saucer, a Victorian 1887 pressed glass bowl, 1 other pressed glass bowl, a coaching days pottery bowl, a rectangular pottery bowl, a Copeland 4 section dish, a Derby style tea service, various plates etc, etc, etc, £30-50 -
711 A large pair of reproduction 19th Century Canton famille vert porcelain urns and covers 24" £180-220 -
712 A collection of pottery figures of clowns, a Sylvac style green glazed vase, various 1930's pottery vases, figures of dogs etc £25-35 -
713 A collection of Coronation mugs, tankards, teapot, sugar bowls, a pomander and a pot and cover etc £25-45 -
714 A Lotus ware blue and white banded tea service, a Bourne Derby salt glazed harvestware tankard and a collection of glass bowls, vases etc £20-30 -
715 2 cut glass decanters, a 1950's 5 piece glass lemonade set, various items of Oriental egg shell porcelain and glassware £20-30 -
716 A collection of decorative ceramics including a biscuit barrel etc £50-75 -
717 2 German pottery beersteins with pewter lids, 2 cut glass dressing table sets and 2 cut glass jars, a circular blue Wedgwood Jasperware jar and cover, a glass and gilt metal dressing table set and a 16 piece Susie Cooper coffee service comprising 6 circular plates 6 1/2", 6 saucers (some wear), 4 cups (1 chipped) and 5 Chelsea ware pottery tea plates £25-35 -
718 A Susie Cooper 10 piece tea service with blue stylised polka dots with 4 plates 6 1/2", 3 cups and 3 saucers, together with a small collection of other teaware £15-25 -