Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 1st of June 2005

Lot No Description Est Image
885 A Victorian silver plated shell shaped spoon warmer 6 1/2" £20-30 -
886 A silver match box Birmingham 1942, 1 ozs £10-20 -
887 A Continental "silver" cup holder £5-10 -
888 A plain silver cigarette case, Birmingham 1930 3 ozs £15-20 -
889 A 19th Century French rectangular red boulle standish, having cut glass inkwell to the centre, flanked by a pair of stamp boxes with lidded covers and with 2 pen recepticals to the side 9 1/2" £125-175 -
890 A Victorian engraved Britannia metal biscuit barrel and cover with patented lid £30-50 -
891 A silver standish, the centre fitted an 8 day clock flanked by a pair of square cut glass inkwells complete with liners and silver collars, the base fitted a pen receptical fitted on ogee bracket feet 11" Birmingham 1928 £150-200 -
892 A Victorian engraved silver plated 2 bottle decanter stand £10-20 -
893 A silver plated cocktail shaker £20-30 -
894 A Victorian silver plated 6 bottle cruet frame raised on panel supports together with 5 matching cut glass bottles £30-50 -
895 A 19th/20th Century pierced Russian silver perpetual calendar in the form of a house incorporating thermometer, aide memoir, day, date and month aperture, engraved From The Englishmen at The Russian Cotton Mill 1894-1906, 13", together with a propelling pencil £150-200 -
896 A Victorian silver twin handled trophy cup "The London and Southwest Railways Swimming Challenge Cup" London 1861, 18 ozs £100-150 -
897 A 19th Century pierced silver plated 3 bottle decanter stand £20-30 -
898 A silver purse with engine turned decoration Birmingham 1915, 3" (some dents) £15-25 -
899 A 19th Century horn and tortoiseshell snuff box with hinged lid 4 1/2" £75-125 -
900 A silver cigarette case, Chester 1926 2 ozs (some dents) £10-20 -
901 A Victorian Art Nouveau pierced silver cup or vase frame, Birmingham 1892, 2 ozs £20-30 -
902 An engraved silver cigarette case Birmingham 1920 1 ozs £10-20 -
903 A Continental embossed silver match box cover 2 1/2" £10-20 -
905 An engraved silver cigarette case and a Ronson lighter £5-10 -
906 A circular basket work silver plated condiment frame with salt, pepper and mustard pot £60-80 -
907 A pair of 19th/20th Century tortoiseshell lorgnettes £50-75 -
908 A Victorian embossed silver plated twin handled sugar bowl and matching cream jug £10-20 -
909 A Georgian, Scots Provincial silver fiddle pattern, single struck toddy ladle with cast shell to the handle, makers mark AKKK, circa 1830 £180-220 -
910 A Victorian silver plated salt in the form of a shell 3 1/2" £10-20 -