Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 28th of June 2006

Lot No Description Est Image
336 An Art Deco bronze golfing ashtray, the finial in the form of a standing golfer 4" £70-90 -
337 A Victorian quart pint pewter beaker marked Walter Parry, monogrammed and with engraved base 3" £10-20 -
338 An Eastern carved stone figure of a seated toad 2" £80-120 -
339 3 Japanese bronze figures of Geisha girls 6" £150-200 -
340 A Victorian brass and steel heart shaped padlock 1" and a Tumbler patent padlock £15-25 -
341 A 19th Century circular gilt metal trinket box, the finial in the form of a seated toad set a green hardstone cabouchon cut stone, 2" £20-30 -
342 A 19th/20th Century double edge dagger with 5" blade and wooden handle £20-30 -
343 A tin plate clock work model of a Green Line Bus, marked Glasgow, Exeter, Cardiff (dent to lid and some damage) £15-20 -
344 A Victorian electric shock machine contained in a mahogany case £25-30 -
345 A pair of 19th Century brass and mahogany letter scales with weights £20-30 -
346 An antimony box with hinged lid decorated coaching scene 3" £10-20 -
347 A 19th Century rectangular trinket box, the lid with Tunbridge ware decoration 4" £15-20 -
348 An Allcocks centre pin sea reel 4" £15-25 -
349 A polished steel and brass sea reel 4" £15-25 -
350 A pair of jade coloured figures of standing Geisha girls 7 1/2" £200-300 -
351 A biscuit porcelain figure of a baby with articulated limbs 3" £5-10 -
352 An 18th/19th Century rectangular enamelled trinket box with hinged lid decorated a landscape (f and cracks) 3" £20-30 -
353 A bronze trinket box with in the form of a coffer with hinged lid, raised on bracket feet 4" £20-30 -
354 An Art Nouveau waisted copper vase with floral decoration, the base marked Made in England L&WB 6" £20-30 -
355 An Art Deco gilt spelter figure of a standing dancing girl raised on a marble base 15" £150-200 -
356 H Youngman, a bronze sculpture of a standing RAF parachutist raised on a marble base, 14" (formerly a trophy) £300-500 -
357 A 19th Century bronze figure of a standing chained Joan of Arc, base marked to the front L'Abjuration de Jeanne D'arc and to the reverse Rouen Anno Domini MCCCCXXXI, 18" £500-700 -
358 Rudolf Bosselt, a bronze figure of a standing stork, raised on a square marble base 23" £500-700 -
359 J Moigniuz, a bronze figure of 2 standing birds, raised on an oval naturalistic base 10" (standing bird f and r) £500-600 -
360 A fine quality 19th Century red Boulle ink stand, set 2 cut glass bottles with double pen receptical, raised on bracket feet 14" £350-400 -