Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 28th of June 2006

Lot No Description Est Image
361 A 19th/20th Century red glass oil lamp reservoir, raised on a brass fluted column £20-30 -
362 A 20th Century Eastern gilt metal figure of a walking dragon with pearl 20" £20-30 -
363 A pair of 19th Century brass spiral turned candlesticks 12" £30-50 -
364 A leather covered figure of a seated growling dog 11" £60-80 -
365 A pair of 19th Century Oriental bronze twin handled vases with cloisonne enamelled decoration 14" (1 with hole to bottom) £150-200 -
366 A carved Eastern mask 28" £10-20 -
367 A 20th Century gilt bronze figure a seated dragon with pearl 6" £20-30 -
368 A 19th Century circular brass twin handled dish 8" and a collection of various Benares brass etc £5-10 -
369 A flagon of Swan blue ink £5-10 -
370 An oak circular biscuit barrel with silver plated mounts and horn handle £15-25 -
371 A 19th Century spelter figure of Cleopatra 12" £25-30 -
372 A 19th Century twin handled copper tea urn (no lid) £10-20 -
373 A glass bottomed pewter tankard marked Hoover Ltd Football Contest 1938 £5-10 -
374 A 19th Century French brass poor box cover, marked Pourles Pauvres, 12" oval £20-30 -
375 A circular oak biscuit barrel with silver plated mounts £10-20 -
376 A pair of 19th Century Japanese bronze vases decorated birds amidst flowering branches, the base with signature 7" £100-150 -
377 A bronze figure of a seated dog 4", raised on a black marble base £30-50 -
378 A metal model of a cart, the base marked T&B and a small collection of metal figures £20-30 -
379 An Art Deco chromium plated and simulated tortoiseshell hand crank fan £10-20 -
380 An Elizabeth II Jo Hil Co. Coronation set comprising State Coach (Queen's head f, back of coach f) and 8 riders (1 leg of horse f), 9 Postillions, mounted Equery, 11 Life Guards, 3 Yeoman of the Guard, 10 Grenadier Guards, boxed (box damaged) £150-200 -
381 A collection of various 1940's and 50's professionally taken photographs of speakers corner £30-50 -
382 A Lott's Tudor block game £5-10 -
383 18 various pewter models of vintage motor cars £20-30 -
384 80 various Lledo models of Yesteryear contained in wall mounting display cases, commercial vehicles, buses, drays etc £50-75 -
385 A die cast collectables Rupert 75th Anniversary set model cars, do. Royal Wedding 1981, A Lledo Swan Vesta set boxed, do. Famous Stores of London, do. The Golden Age of the Film Industry and do. Marks & Spencers £20-30 -