Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 28th of June 2006

Lot No Description Est Image
539 A 19th Century fairing "Last Into Bed Puts out the Light" (slight chip to bottom right hand corner), together with a porcelain figure of a seated gentleman playing a guitar 4" (f and r) £20-30 -
540 An Old Elgreaves Pottery jug decorated by Lorna Bailey, with Art Deco decoration, house and path 8" £40-50 -
541 A Continental biscuit porcelain figure of a seated swallow 5 1/2" £10-20 -
542 A 19th Century porcelain figure of a standing lamb, raised on an oval base 3" and 2 small reproduction Staffordshire style figures of seated Dalmatians (3) £20-30 -
543 A circular brown glazed Sylvac pottery jardiniere, the base marked Sylvac, 2100, 5" £20-30 -
544 A pair of 18th Century Ludwigs? bird plates with floral decoration 10" £70-90 -
545 A pair of Victorian opaque glass twin handled vases with applied gilt floral decoration 7 1/2" £30-50 -
546 A modern Masons Ironstone green floral pattern ginger jar and cover, the base with green Masons mark 4" and a similar toast rack 5" £10-20 -
547 A 1953 circular blue Jasperware jar and cover to commemorate QEII Coronation, the base marked 675, 5" £20-30 -
548 A set of 5 Wade Natwest piggy banks in the form of Baby Woodey, Annabel, Maxwell, Lady Hilary and Sir Nathaniel £100-150 -
549 2 Royal Copenhagen circular Parian plaques decorated classical figures 5 1/2" £30-40 -
550 5 Royal Copenhagen Christmas plates 1990-1995, £25-30 -
551 A pair of Oriental style floral patterned lidded urns and covers of baluster form 12" £25-30 -
552 A circular Poole Pottery Atomic orange jardiniere, the base marked Poole England 72, 5" (slight crack) £5-10 -
553 A circular Poole Pottery vase decorated birds amidst branches decorated by Leslie Elden, the base with dolphin mark, 6 1/2" £25-35 -
554 A circular Poole Pottery plate decorated the racing yacht Poly Poole Drawler 1906, 11" £50-75 -
555 A blue glazed Poole Pottery figure of a seated cat 6 1/2" £10-20 -
556 A circular Carter Stabler Adams limited Poole vase with line decoration 3" £20-30 -
557 A circular Poole Pottery plate decorated the two masted brig "General Wolf Newfoundland Trade Poole 1797", 11" £50-75 -
558 A green glazed Poole Pottery Sylvanware 3 light candelabrum, the base impressed 249, 9" high (chip to base and 2 sconce) £40-60 -
559 An oval Poole Pottery dish, the base with dolphin mark and BN, 12" £15-25 -
560 A circular Collard Honiton vase with stylised floral decoration, the base impressed Collard Honiton England, 6" £30-50 -
561 A circular twin handled Collard Honiton vase with blue floral decoration (base chipped) 6" £15-25 -
562 A Honiton pottery jug the base marked Honiton JB 25, 5" £20-30 -
563 A stylised pottery lamp base in the form of trees, base marked Made in England, 7" £15-20 -