Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 28th of June 2006

Lot No Description Est Image
639 3 19th Century blue and white ginger jars decorated prunus £20-30 -
640 A pair of Wedgwood blue Jasperware club shaped vases, the bases impressed Wedgwood DW67 5" £20-30 -
641 A 19th/20th Century dolls 14 piece tea/dinner service comprising twin handled soup tureen, 4 plates, circular sugar bowl, jug (f), sauce boat (f), oval meat plate, square dish (chipped), 2 mugs (1 cracked) and a sugar bowl £10-20 -
642 A pair of circular cut glass bowls 8" £20-30 -
643 A pair of John Chipperfield Art Pottery goblets and an Iden Pottery goblet £5-10 -
644 6 green etched glass hock glasses £15-25 -
645 A 1960's Cinque Port pottery coffee pot, cream jug and sugar bowl (coffee pot cracked) £5-10 -
646 A pair of cut glass candlesticks, raised on circular bases 8" (1 with chip to rim) and 2 other cut glass candlesticks (1 with chip to rim) £15-25 -
647 A pair of Victorian jet ware cornucopia vases, raised on circular bases 5" £15-25 -
648 A cut glass spirit decanter and stopper and 2 club shaped decanters and stoppers £30-50 -
649 A German jug with grape decoration 4 1/2", a floral patterned Derby style jug 5", an Art Deco style floral pattern jug and a Victorian pottery jug decorated Pagodas £30-50 -
650 A 1930's grey glazed Art Pottery table lamp and cover, 6" £20-30 -
651 A Victorian turquoise floral patterned and gilt banded comport, 9" £20-30 -
652 A pair of 19th Century Oriental twin handled vases with dragon handles and decorated court figures, 12" £20-30 -
653 A Sylvac style green glazed vase, base marked 1418 Made in England 8", a circular green glazed Brannam ashtray 4" and a Cockington green glazed pottery dish 5" £15-25 -
654 A 19th Century biscuit porcelain figure group of a seated family 6" (f) £15-25 -
655 A 1930's opaque glass vase with wavy mouth, contained in a gilt metal frame 6" £20-30 -
656 A ruby glass flute with gilt decoration and 2 shaped glass bottles 10" £20-30 -
657 A Poole Pottery blue and grey glazed "Tea for Two" set £10-20 -
658 A green glass pedestal bowl 8" and a blue glass pedestal bowl 5" £10-20 -
659 A Leonardo collection miniature Toby jug 2", 1 other 3" and 2 other Toby jugs 3" £20-30 -
660 4 various glass jugs £15-20 -
661 17 various blue Delft gin bottles in the form of house, made for KLM first class passengers £20-30 -
662 A circular cut glass powder bowl and cover 5", 2 circular cut glass bowls 5", a glass bowl 6" and 2 circular cut glass saucers 7" £10-20 -
663 A Royal Doulton Countess pattern twin handled mug and a pair of green glazed Art Deco pottery book ends in the form of a lady and gentleman 6 1/2" £10-20 -