Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 28th of June 2006

Lot No Description Est Image
1006 A rectangular embossed silver plated asparagus tray and matching Old English pattern tongs £15-25 -
1007 8 silver plated brandy warmers in the form of saucepans £30-50 -
1008 A pierced ivory dip pen incorporating a paper knife, the top with Stanhope, showing views of a Continental resort £10-20 -
1009 A silver plated snooker trophy in the form of a standing snooker player 3 1/2" £5-10 -
1010 A 4 piece circular engraved silver plated tea service comprising teapot, hotwater jug, twin handled sugar bowl and cream jug £10-20 -
1011 A gold identity bracelet, a silver bangle, 2 gilt metal perfume funnels, a gilt metal mourning brooch and a collection of costume jewellery £20-30 -
1012 A cigar cutter contained in an engraved silver case and a miniature advertising pocket knife with The Compliments of Hooper & Ashby Ltd £10-20 -
1013 A lady's wristwatch by Audax contained in a gold case, on an integral bracelet and 1 other gold cased wristwatch (2) £20-30 -
1014 A WWI triangular enamelled badge "Speed Up Munitions and Guns, the reverse marked "Did Her Bit on Munitions Great War 1914-1918 £20-30 -
1015 A silver thimble and 2 others £10-20 -
1016 A collection of costume jewellery £25-35 -
1017 A lady's gold cased wristwatch, a fob watch contained in a gilt metal case and a silver open faced fob watch £20-30 -
1018 A silver pencil case, a silver coloured Langtree watch chain and a small collection of costume jewellery £25-35 -
1019 A lady's 18ct gold dress ring set 3 pink stones and 1 other dress ring £30-50 -
1020 A lady's gold dress ring set an oval cut amethyst supported by 2 tear cut amethysts £20-30 -
1021 An 18ct yellow gold wedding band £25-35 -
1022 A lady's Continental gold dress ring set sapphires and diamonds £30-50 -
1023 A gold bar brooch set an amethyst £20-30 -
1024 A lady's 22ct yellow gold wedding band £25-35 -
1025 A lady's gold dress ring set a red stone surrounded by diamonds £30-50 -
1026 A lady's gold dress ring set green and white stones and 1 other set pink and white stones £20-30 -
1027 An Edwardian 15ct gold bar brooch set an oval peridot and pearls £30-50 -
1028 2 silver dress rings and a silver wedding band £20-30 -
1029 A lady's gold dress ring set pink stones and 1 other set sapphires and small diamonds £25-35 -
1030 A lady's gold bar brooch set an amethyst £15-25 -