Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction to be held on Wednesday 12th of March 2025

Lot No Description Est Image
221 A silver 2 handled bowl Birmingham 1916, 4 spoons, 106 grams, a silver mounted coaster, pepper and condiment bottle 40-60
224 A silver napkin ring Birmingham 1965, 3 others, 114 grams, a plated ditto with Kangaroo mount 40-60
226 An Edwardian silver mounted toilet bottle 12cm (chipped), 3 silver mounted bottles, an atomiser and comb, toilet box and hair brush 40-60
227 A circular silver capstan inkwell Birmingham 1910, 7cm 30-40
229 A silver mounted coaster Birmingham 1959 13cm, 2 others 40-50
230 An 800 standard silver dressing table tray, 434 grams, 27cm 150-180
231 A 925 standard silver repousse Victorian style watch case with quartz movement 12cm 40-50
232 A Georgian silver berry table spoon rubbed marks and a silver tazza Birmingham 1922, 134 grams 50-75
233 A silver spirit label Birmingham 1987, 1 other (whisky and sherry) and minor cutlery, 122 grams 50-75
234 A 925 standard silver mesh purse, a ditto paste brooch and a silver mounted mother of pearl purse 40-60
235 A silver rattle in the form of a standing elephant 5cm Birmingham 1937, 10 grams gross 30-40
238 A silver salver with Chippendale rim and hoof feet, Sheffield 1977 maker Poston Products Ltd 784 grams, 30cm 300-400
239 A silver mounted coaster London 1994 13cm, a silver golf tea and ball marker, 3 spirit labels - Port, Brandy and Cognac, a silver egg cup and spoon, weighable silver 68 grams 60-80
240 A silver desk top table calendar Birmingham 1924, a bridge marker, swizzle stick, tooth pick and cigarette holder 40-50
241 A silver guilloche enamel dressing table set comprising hand mirror, 2 hair brushes and 2 clothes brushes, decorated with flowers, Birmingham 1936 maker Henry Clifford Davis 140-180
244 An Edwardian silver capstan inkwell Birmingham 1907 8.5cm, an oval silver trinket box Birmingham 1918, a napkin ring, fluted salt, a Sterling ashtray, silver handled paper knife and mother of pearl trinket box (a/f) 50-75
248 An Edwardian brass bound 3 bottle tantalus with 3 silver spirit labels - Sherry, Whisky and Brandy, Birmingham 1965, 36 grams 50-75
255 An Arts and Crafts circular silver cup and cover with engraved monogram Sheffield 1908, maker Lee and Wigfull 386 grams, 17cm 120-150
256 An Edwardian 925 standard silver mesh purse 82 grams 50-75
257 An Edwardian novelty silver pin cushion in the form of a shoe Birmingham 1904 8cm 50-75