Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction to be held on Wednesday 12th of March 2025

Lot No Description Est Image
180 An Art Deco silver 3 piece tea set with ebony mounts Sheffield 1932, maker James Dixon & Sons 756 grams gross 240-280
182 A Victorian repousse silver bachelor's teapot with floral panels, Chester 1864, makers Edward & John Barnard gross weight 424 grams, having ivory resistors, Ivory Exemption Certificate No. 1ZDAJ6KK 140-180
189 A hexagonal silver coffee pot Sheffield 1904, 280 grams (no handle or finial) 80-100
193 A Georgian style silver tea set with demi-fluted decoration on scroll and shell feet, Birmingham 1928 and 1938 comprising teapot, coffee pot, sugar bowl, cream jug, makers Barker Brothers Silver Ltd gross weight 1964 grams 800-1000
197 A Victorian silver cream jug with S scroll handle, Chester 1899, 146 grams 40-60
199 An Edwardian silver coffee pot raised on pad feet with ebony mounts, London 1902, 20cm 488 grams 160-190
202 A Victorian silver demi-fluted cream jug London 1866, 160 grams 60-80
225 A Sterling silver repousse tea infuser and 2 Sterling straws, 42 grams 40-50