Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 15th of November 2006

Lot No Description Est Image
1178 A circular silver pin tray, Birmingham 1973 and 1 other silver pin tray London 1977 with Silver Jubilee hallmark 3 1/2" £30-50 -
1179 An Edwardian rectangular cut glass pin jar with embossed silver lid Birmingham 1904, 3" £50-75 -
1180 A 19th Century gilt metal pin cushion in the form of a seated hedgehog, raised on a cushion 1 1/2" £20-30 -
1181 An oval ivory flask with silver mounts 2" £70-90 -
1182 An Edwardian oval silver pill box, the lid decorated mother of pearl owl, 2", London 1903 £40-60 -
1183 An amber scent bottle decorated with silver and turquoise together with an unusual matching scent bottle with jewelled decoration 5" £400-500 -
1184 3 hardstone miniature models of instruments £35-45 -
1185 A pair of Eastern gilt metal and hardstone set figures of birds 2" £35-45 -
1186 3 circular cylindrical silver jars with hardstone lids, London 1978 £50-75 -
1187 A 17th/18th Century Chinese hardwood box and cover inlaid mother of pearl decoration, raised on bracket feet £150-200 -
1188 A pierced ivory fan 10" £55-75 -
1189 A Britannia metal sugar scuttle £5-10 -
1190 A boat shaped pierced silver plated cake basket with swing handle, raised on an oval foot £10-20 -
1191 A circular engraved silver plated 1 pint tankard £5-10 -
1192 An oval silver plated entree dish and cover with bead work border £10-20 -
1193 A green hardstone puzzle ball 4" £30-40 -
1194 A carved ivory figure of a walking elephant 3" (foot and tusk f) £30-40 -
1195 An Oriental carved ivory figure of a lizard 2 1/2", raised on a socle base £40-50 -
1196 A lady's 1920's bead work evening bag £10-20 -
1197 A circular planished silver plated bowl 9" and a circular silver plated 3 handled dish frame 5" £5-10 -
1198 A Victorian engraved Britannia metal 3 piece tea service of oval form comprising teapot, twin handled sugar bowl and cream jug £10-20 -
1199 A rectangular pierced silver plated cake basket with swing handle £10-20 -
1200 A US silver tea soon, 6 silver plated teaspoons and 1 other £10-20. -
1201 An Art Deco silver plated cocktail shaker by Walker & Hall £15-20 -
1202 A silver plated 3 piece tea service with engraved decoration comprising teapot, twin handled sugar bowl and cream jug £15-20 -