Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 15th of November 2006

Lot No Description Est Image
1203 A circular silver plated bowl marked Benson 6" and an oval cake basket 10" £10-20 -
1204 A circular Art Deco silver plated entree dish and cover £5-10 -
1205 An Art Deco 4 piece silver plated tea service comprising oval teapot, hotwater jug, sugar bowl and cream jug £15-25 -
1206 A Raymond Weil gentlemans wristwatch with blue dial contained in a stainless polished blue case £300-400 -
1207 2 ladies parasols with "snake skin" handles £20-30 -
1208 A collection of various costume jewellery £10-20 -
1209 A circular silver plated cake basket with swing handle by Mappin & Webb, together with a Spanish silver plated cake basket £10-20 -
1210 An Art Deco silver cigarette case with engine turned decoration Birmingham 1930, 2 ozs £10-20 -
1211 A plain silver vesta case, Birmingham 1913 £20-30 -
1212 A collection of costume jewellery £10-20 -
1214 A silver tea strainer and stand, Sheffield 1933 £25-35 -
1215 An Art Deco 3 piece silver condiment set comprising mustard pot, pepper and salt, raised on square bases, Sheffield 1935 with Jubilee mark, 5 os £70-100 -
1216 A collection of various pocket knives, an Enid Blyton magazine club enamelled badge together with a collection of various curios etc £10-20 -
1217 A pocket barometer contained in a leather case £40-60 -
1218 A silver perfume bottle holder £5-10 -
1219 An Eastern carved ivory figure of a dragon 8" £20-30 -
1220 A gilt metal and blue enamelled 3 piece dressing table set with hand mirror, hair brush and clothes brush, cased £5-10 -
1221 A set of 5 Old English pattern grapefruit spoons, Sheffield 1930, 4 ozs £15-25 -
1222 A silver mustard pot and a matching pepper pot Birmingham 1918, 4 ozs £30-50 -
1223 A set of 6 silver pastry forks and server, Birmingham 1930 4 ozs, cased £20-30 -
1224 A silver handled shoe horn, 2 button hooks and a pair of silver tongs £20-30 -
1225 A circular silver rouge pot with engine turned decoration, Birmingham 1942, 2 1/2", an Edwardian embossed silver pill box with hinged lid Birmingham 1900 1", together with a small silver pill/rouge pot Birmingham 1898 £70-90 -
1226 A 19th Century steel corkscrew £5-10 -
1227 A silver christening tankard Birmingham 1918 1 ozs, 3" £10-20 -
1228 A Continental plain silver card box with hinged lid 3 1/2" £20-30 -