Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 12th of March 2025

Lot No Description Est Image
443 Approximately 165 Elizabeth II GB mint presentation stamp sets 130-160
444 Approximately 94 mint presentation stamp sets, Elizabeth II GB, etc 100-140
445 Of aviation/military interest, an album of 118 black and white and coloured postcards of military and civil aircraft together with an album of 156 First World War postcards including shell damaged towns 80-120
446 A 1960s Mills 6d one armed bandit Fruit Machine in original blue with chrome detailing, mechanism seized and internals rusted, 66cm h x 36cm w x35cm d 100-150
447 A George V British Exhibition Wembley unmounted mint stamp collection, a 1929 UPU Congress mint stamp collection, a 1937 King George VI complete Coronation mint stamp collection and a 1946 Victory Omnibus mint stamp collection 80-120
448 A Smythson leather bound album of 14 colour photographs of Concorde, from the early 2000's contained in original cardboard presentation box 80-120
449 Eight First World War embroidered greetings cards together with a small album of of First World War and later postcards, together with 5 First and Second World War embroidered sweetheart handkerchiefs 50-75
450 An album of approx. 84 black and white and coloured postcards of Sussex scenes including Falmer, Brighton, Great Yarmouth, Tankerton, Worthing, Plymouth 50-75
451 An album of 44 First World War black and white postcards including scenes from the Somme and an album of 58 black and white and coloured postcards of liners and commercial ships 50-75
452 Folkes Martin, Tables of English Silver and Gold Coins now re-printed with plates and explanations, The Society of Antiquaries reprint of 1763 edition, bound in contemporary calf, tooled gilt decoration and title to raised banded spine, marbled pastedown and book block, 4to 100-140
453 Raphael, Picturae Peristyli Vaticani, Petrus Paulus Montagnani Rom 1790., fully bound in brown calf and gilt with raised bands to spine. Engraved title and 52 plates after Raphael, folio 495mm x 395mm 140-180
454 Madonna, aluminium covered Sex book with original metal foil jacket & sealed CD. 1992 1st Printing. Published by Warner Books, the book features adult content 40-60
455 A 1908 Patent Cavalry Troopers sword, the blade marked EFD 75 (no scabbard) 100-140
456 A 1908 Cavalry Troopers sword, the blade with broad arrow marked 75 (no scabbard) 80-120
457 Three 19th Century painted peg dolls 2 x 9cm (with articulated limbs) and 3cm (sizes excluding dress) 50-70
458 A lady's Fortnum & Mason crocodile clutch bag 14cm x 25cm 40-60
459 A Rowsell's Patent Graphoscope and Stereoscope in a mahogany case, marked Rowsell's Pat. together with 99 Underwood and Underwood slides of Egypt in faux twin volume case, 3 Keystone View Company slides, 2 Realistic Travel slides, 2 FJ Jarvis slides and 35 other unnamed slides 80-120
460 Five 20th Century dental plastic models - foot, shoulder blade, hip, knee and elbow 50-75
461 A modern dental plastic male skeleton 157cm h x 42cm w x 18cm d 100-150
462 0717 Toys, a set of seven bakelite saloon cars each 13cm l x 5cm w, two black, two green, 1 blue, 1 red and 1 maroon. 50-70
463 Thirteen various 20th Century anatomy and joint charts 50-75
464 A bottle of Croft 1963 Vintage Port 100-140
465 Reid Ian, Prisoner At Large A Story of Five Escapes, London Gollancz 1947, bound in green cloth, First Edition, signed by author, 8mo 30-40
466 Farrell M J and Snaffles Red Letter Days, one volume "Snaffles A Half Century of Memories" ditto "Snaffles Four-Legged Friends and Acquaintances", together with Edwards Lionel "The Wiles of The Fox" 40-60
467 A Chinese gilt metal hexagonal food carrier/caddy with 3 lidded boxes to the side and a circular unlidded ditto, the centre section enclosed by a grilled panelled door 74cm h x 36cm w x 30cm d 50-75