Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 12th of March 2025

Lot No Description Est Image
177 A Victorian silver presentation goblet, London 1874, 282 grams, 21cm 120-150
178 A Victorian silver presentation goblet, London 1894, 19cm, together with a silver spoon, 188 grams 70-90
179 A silver octagonal sugar shaker Birmingham 1910, 21cm, 172 grams 50-70
180 An Art Deco silver 3 piece tea set with ebony mounts Sheffield 1932, maker James Dixon & Sons 756 grams gross 240-280
181 A rectangular silver engine turned cigarette box Birmingham 1920 16cm, a crescent shaped card case, 5 teaspoons and medallion 50-75
182 A Victorian repousse silver bachelor's teapot with floral panels, Chester 1864, makers Edward & John Barnard gross weight 424 grams, having ivory resistors, Ivory Exemption Certificate No. 1ZDAJ6KK 140-180
183 A pair of tapered silver candlesticks Birmingham 1929, 31cm, weighted 140-180
184 A matched set of 6 silver Kings Pattern table forks, London 1898 and 1902, 372 grams 140-180
185 A pair of Victorian style octagonal waisted silver candlesticks London 1933, 18cm, weighted 150-180
186 A Georgian style Edwardian silver mug with engraved name - Claude, Birmingham 1907, 138 grams 80-100
187 An Edwardian square silver cigarette box Birmingham 1910 with engraved inscription London 1901, 9.5cm 40-60
188 A circular silver ashtray with presentation inscription Birmingham 1919, 98 grams 50-70
189 A hexagonal silver coffee pot Sheffield 1904, 280 grams (no handle or finial) 80-100
190 An Edwardian silver mug with swags and scrolls, 72 grams, 8cm, rubbed marks 40-60
191 An Art Deco silver engine turned cigarette case Sheffield 1933, gross weight 164 grams 60-80
192 A Victorian silver engraved card case Birmingham 1881, maker George Unite, 52 grams, in original fitted case 60-80
193 A Georgian style silver tea set with demi-fluted decoration on scroll and shell feet, Birmingham 1928 and 1938 comprising teapot, coffee pot, sugar bowl, cream jug, makers Barker Brothers Silver Ltd gross weight 1964 grams 800-1000
194 An Art Deco silver engine turned cigarette case with engraved monogram Birmingham 1927, 176 grams gross 50-75
195 A silver cigarette case with engraved monogram Birmingham 1913, 98 grams gross 35-45
196 A silver rectangular engine turned cigarette box with monogram, rubbed marks, 18cm 60-80
197 A Victorian silver cream jug with S scroll handle, Chester 1899, 146 grams 40-60
198 A Victorian silver octagonal pierced mustard with S scroll handle, London 1855, 110 grams 40-50
199 An Edwardian silver coffee pot raised on pad feet with ebony mounts, London 1902, 20cm 488 grams 160-190
200 A pair of George IV silver grape scissors with vinous handles, London 1825, maker Charles Rawlings 98 grams 60-80
201 An Edwardian silver 6 bar dome topped toast rack on bun feet, Chester 1903, 14cm, 162 grams 60-80