Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 27th of November 2024

Lot No Description Est Image
464 Bobby Jones, "Golf", a Flicker Book No.11b "Brassie and Iron" 30-40
471 A George II agreement on parchment dated 1736, a William IV ditto dated 1835 and 3 Victorian deeds and documents 1842, 1852 and 1889 40-60
492 Shakespeare William, 40 miniature editions, 12mo. published by Allied Newspapers Ltd, contained in a miniature plywood bookcase 60-80
493 Mallory, Sir Thomas "Le Morte D'Arthur" with illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley, 3rd edition, limited to 1600, 1927 J N Dent & Sons Ltd., bound in black cloth and gilt, 4to. 150-200
532 Autographs, a book containing George Best, Humphrey Littleton and others, the vendors uncle worked at Manchester Utd circa 1970 100-150