Denhams Auction Catalogue

for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 27th of November 2024

Lot No Description Est Image
499 A Victorian gilt metal paper clip in the form of a seated man 14cm 40-50
500 A Tudor leather die cup 9cm x 5cm, with Coincraft certificate 50-100
502 A rectangular Russian box the lid decorated seated figures, the inside hunting scenes 2cm x 9cm x 5cm 40-60
522 Two small boxes of Victorian magic lantern slides of nursery rhymes and fables 40-50
529 A 18th Century Chinese censer bearing a Xuande reign mark with twin serpent handles and 6 character mark to base (polished) 15cm 50-75
533 A Mont Blanc ballpoint pen 40-50
534 A Mont Blanc fountain pen no.146 with 14ct nib, the barrel inscribed Mozart Verdi 1988, boxed 100-140
535 A Dunhill gold plated engine turned cigarette lighter, boxed 70-90
536 A mid-Century Pierre Cardin gold plated cigarette lighter 40-60
537 A Cartier gilt cigarette lighter boxed 70-90
538 An Ego Omas design silver ballpoint pen and fountain pen with 14ct nib, boxed 50-75
539 A gilt Hadson ballpoint pen and lighter together with 3 ballpoint pens 30-40