A Steiff Classic replica figure of a 1905 bear 9", a Steiff bear - Fynn contained in a fibre case, a Steiner Polar bear 10" and a limited edition Hermann Sweetheart bear
A Cotswold Collector's Bear Panda - Puffin, a Gertie Wiggins Bear 11", a Rotraud Like bear - Trudi 11", a Cliff Richard Collection bear 11" and a Ro Lu bear - Martha 8"
A Robin Rive golly figure - Jessie Jane 14", 1 other Jay Jay 14", a figure of a brown bear with lederhosen and beerstein 9", a costume doll and a figure of a child on a tricycle
A Hermann brown musical bear 11", a Hermann limited edition yellow bear 12", a Hermann musical bear - Musikbar 12", a Hermann baer - Jack 12" and 2 other bears