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Catalogue for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 1st of June 2005

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description ( and estimated value in GBP )


A 19th Century watercolour drawing "Seaside with Figures Leading Donkey" 7" x 10" monogrammed £100-150


A 19th Century watercolour "Seascape with Fishermen with Baskets of Fish" 7" x 10" £100-150

  • A set of 4 18th Century style monochrome prints "Buildings" 8" x 17"


A set of 4 18th Century style monochrome prints "Buildings" 8" x 17" £20-30


A set of 6 limited edition reproduction 18th Century prints "Ballooning" re-issued by the Royal Nautical Society, contained in a black and gilt frames £75-100

  • A set of 3 coaching prints "Wyght Street Strand Days of Hogarth, The Old Star and Garter Richmond Hill and 1 other" 10" x 16"


A set of 3 coaching prints "Wyght Street Strand Days of Hogarth, The Old Star and Garter Richmond Hill and 1 other" 10" x 16" £30-40


3 coloured prints "The Square Winchester", "The Close Gate High Street Salisbury" and "Windsor" 8" x 6" £5-10

  • Hardy, a pair of 1930's coloured prints "Dutch Boy and Girl" contained in oak frames 6" x 12"


Hardy, a pair of 1930's coloured prints "Dutch Boy and Girl" contained in oak frames 6" x 12" £10-20


A set of 6 19th Century Fores hunting sketches "Right and Wrong Sort" 10" x 15" £140-180

  • A pair of Victorian coloured prints "Child, Apple and Cherry Pickers" 14" x 10" contained in oak frames


A pair of Victorian coloured prints "Child, Apple and Cherry Pickers" 14" x 10" contained in oak frames £10-20

  • A hand written framed copy of the Ten Commandments with How to Have a Happy New Year 15" x 12" contained in an oak frame


A hand written framed copy of the Ten Commandments with How to Have a Happy New Year 15" x 12" contained in an oak frame £15-25

  • "Preziosi" watercolour "Three Veiled Ladies" 10" x 8"


"Preziosi" watercolour "Three Veiled Ladies" 10" x 8" £120-150

  • A pair of 19th Century christoleums of girls, 4" x 3" in gilt frames


A pair of 19th Century christoleums of girls, 4" x 3" in gilt frames £20-30

  • A 19th Century silhouette of a standing lady contained in a rosewood frame 4" x 3"


A 19th Century silhouette of a standing lady contained in a rosewood frame 4" x 3" £20-30

  • A Victorian full length portrait "Standing Governess" 6" x 5" contained in a rosewood frame


A Victorian full length portrait "Standing Governess" 6" x 5" contained in a rosewood frame £20-30

  • A 19th Century Baxter print "Seated Lady and Gentleman Suitor" 4" x 3"


A 19th Century Baxter print "Seated Lady and Gentleman Suitor" 4" x 3" £20-30


A pair of 18th/19th Century oval Bartolozzi prints "Ladies" 12" oval £50-75

  • A pierced circular silver plated preserve jar holder and cover (no liner) raised on hoof feet 6"


A pierced circular silver plated preserve jar holder and cover (no liner) raised on hoof feet 6" £15-25

  • A silver plated 4 piece egg cruet


A silver plated 4 piece egg cruet £10-20

  • An Edwardian pierced oval silver bon bon dish raised on 3 hoof supports, London 1909 4 ozs (later inscribed)


An Edwardian pierced oval silver bon bon dish raised on 3 hoof supports, London 1909 4 ozs (later inscribed) £40-60

  • An Art Deco tortoiseshell and leather cigarette box with hinged lid 4"


An Art Deco tortoiseshell and leather cigarette box with hinged lid 4" £50-75

  • A pierced and embossed silver basket with swing handle 7"


A pierced and embossed silver basket with swing handle 7" £30-40

  • A pair of carved ivory figures of seated Emperor and Empress 5"  the base with carved seal mark,


A pair of carved ivory figures of seated Emperor and Empress 5" the base with carved seal mark, £275-325

  • A Victorian cut glass hip flask with detachable silver cup and collar, London 1866


A Victorian cut glass hip flask with detachable silver cup and collar, London 1866 £40-60

  • A silver plated 5 branch epergne with 5 cut glass vases (1 f)


A silver plated 5 branch epergne with 5 cut glass vases (1 f) £70-90

  • A silver plated Rococo style 5 light candelabrum


A silver plated Rococo style 5 light candelabrum £20-30