Of Horsham Interest, a black fireman's helmet by Helmets Ltd for use by the CIBA (later Ciba-Geigy) Pharmaceutical's company internal fire service, in plastic and cork with gold C.I.B.A letter above a wreath to front, inside size label 6 7/8 | 56
A Greater London Council Fire Brigade double breasted tunic with gilt buttons and epaulettes, labelled 42 Reg. 1970/71/72, 1 other double breasted tunic (some moth), a West Sussex Fire Brigade double breasted tunic together with a pair of Tuffking size 12 fireman's boots
An metal pin cushion in the form of an LCC London Fire Brigade Merryweather helmet marked from Harvey to Neller 998, 1 other (hinge a/f), 3 others in the form of inkwells (1 with split to front, 1 with chip to ceramic inkwell), a gilt metal inkwell in the form of a fireman's helmet, table bell in the form of a Metropolitan Police helmet, English pewter figure of a fireman and child and a Dennis brass wheel hub nut
A Royal Hampshire limited edition cast pewter model "A4 Class 4-6-2 No.4468 Liner The Mallard" no.298/1000, raised on a wooden base 9cm h x 33cm w x 7cm d
An electric EMG Handmade Gramophone Mark IX circa 1932, with 22inch diameter papier mache horn, copper Grape Street plaque stating model 495, contained in fitted oak case, missing soundbox/pickup, electrics are untested
A set of 8 Primus Junior Lecturer Series magic lantern slides "The Elephants Revenge" no.508 and 1 other set of 8 "The Queen of Hearts" no. 520, both boxed
A Harrington and Byrne folder of Victorian and later GB stamps including Victorian used, Edward VII complete used stamp collection and a United Kingdom Postal Union Congress one pound black stamp (franked),