Player's Cigarette cards 25 out of a set of 50 - British Regiments, Players set 1-25 Colonial & Indian Army Badges, Player's set 1-50 - Drum Banners & Cap Badges £30-50
Churchman's Cigarette cards set 1-25 - Warriors of all Nations, Player's set 1-50 - Military Uniforms of the British Empire Overseas, Player's set 1-50 - Uniforms of the Territorial Army, Ogden's set 1-50 - Air Raid Precautions and Wills's 49 out of a set of 50 - Air Raid Precautions £60-90
Player's Cigarette cards 49 out of a set of 50 - Regimental Uniforms (brown backs), Player's second series set 51-100 - Regimental Uniforms and Players set 1-50 - Regimental Uniforms (blue backs) £70-100
Louis Gerard Ltd cards sets A and B 1-50 - Modern Armaments, Teofani & Co Ltd set 1-24 - The Army and United Tobacco? set 1-50 - Pictures of South Africa's War Effort £40-60
Wills's Scissors Cigarette cards 17 out of a set of 50 - Britains Defenders, Ogden's 30 out of a set of 50 - Modern War Weapons and 36 out of a set of 50 (unknown source) - War Incidents £80-120
John Player & Sons Cigarette cards set 1-25 - Napoleon, Gallaher's 23 out of a set of 100 - The Great War Series and Mitchell's set 1-30 - A Model Army £35-45
Adkin & Sons Cigarette cards set 1-50 - Butterflies & Moths, Player's 9 out of a set of 50 - Butterflies & Moths, Clarkes 3 out of a set of 50 Butterflies & Moths, Wills's 49 out of a set of 50 - British Butterflies, Players set 1-50 - Butterflies and The United Tobacco Co. set 1-52 - South African Butterflies £60-80
Gallaher Ltd Cigarette cards set 1-48 - Butterflies and Moths, Abdulla & Co Ltd set 1-25 - British Butterflies, Lifeguard Products Ltd cards set 1-25 - British Butterflies, Mills set 1-25 - Butterflies & Moths, Godfrey Phillips Ltd set 1-25 British Butterflies, R J Lea set 1-6 (large cards) Moths and Godfrey Phillips set 1-25 - British Butterflies £40-60
Duncan & Co Cigarette cards set 1-47 - Evolution of the Steamship, Nicolas Sarony & Co set 1-50 - Ships of All Ages and Hill's set 1-15 - Famous Ships £30-50
Dominion Tobacco Co Cigarette cards set 1-25 - Old Ships, Dominion Tobacco second series set 1-25 - Old Ships and Dominion Tobacco third series set 1-25 - Old Ships £25-35
Churchman's Cigarette cards set 1-25 - Life in a Liner, Churchman's set 1-50 - The Story of Navigation, Murray Sons & Co set 1-50 - The Story of Ships and Murray Sons set 1-25 - Steam Ships £30-50