A machined brass oval plaque marked Galloways Ltd. Constructors and Manufacturers Manchester 1915 15cm x 23cm, 1 other plaque marked The Bryan Donkin Company Ltd Chesterfield 12cm x 21cm
A metal (previously silver plated) oval embossed bowl decorated standing rabbits and carrots raised on shaped supports 15cm x 31cm x 32cm together with a copper scoop with turned wooden handle
A Victorian Zoetrope "Wheel of Life" with 5 paper reel animation inserts - Addy at Donnybrook no.10, The Little Umbrella Man no.4, Steeple Chase no.15, The Gymnast no.2, The Red Legged Ogre and His Dancing Poodle no.24
An Art Deco polished black marble desk set comprising ink well supported by a spelter figure of retriever 5cm x 28cm x 12cm, blotter 6cm x 11cm x 7cm and seal 9cm
Dixons & Sons, a 19th Century pewter twin handled sauce tureen and cover, the base marked Dixons 96 6cm x 15cm x 13cm b, a pewter mustard pot, 3 pewter pepper pots and a pewter cream jug