Many thanks for your enquiry. Please find attached several j-peg images of the lot, illustrating the workings, case adn condition. Overall, the polyphon is in very good order. There are no teeth broken on the combs. The only damage to the case, is that some of the fascia board to the right hand side of the left side of the roof. There is some cracking and flaking to the paint on the \"beams\" on the case but there is no major structural damage nor any woodworm. There are 29 discs included with this lot. Should you wish to bid on this lot adn your bid is successful, we are afraid that this is not an item that we would undertake to post ourselves. We recommend that you contact our local Mail Boxes etc, which is in Horsham which is very local to us and they will collect from us free of charge and then ship it to you as per your instructions. They can be contacted on Tel :01403 265 005 Fax: 01403 265 015 e-mail: