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results searching for artist n.ninetti

Forsythe, oil painting, a stylish beach scene with tent and figures, signed 12" x 24" together with  Paschoud, an oil painting study of a Swiss Mountain scene, signed 9" x 9" and a book of the artists works (please note the book will be kept in the office)
Forsythe, oil painting, a stylish beach scene with tent and figures, signed 12" x 24" together with Paschoud, an oil painting study of a Swiss Mountain scene, signed 9" x 9" and a book of the artists works (please note the book will be kept in the office)

L S Lowry, 1887-1976, artist signed coloured print "The Lonely House", signed in the margin and with blind proof stamp 11" x  20"
L S Lowry, 1887-1976, artist signed coloured print "The Lonely House", signed in the margin and with blind proof stamp 11" x 20"

A series of 9 early 20th Century style coloured fashion prints  after various artists 11"h x 8.5"w
A series of 9 early 20th Century style coloured fashion prints after various artists 11"h x 8.5"w

L S Lowry, a folio containing 3 limited edition prints, titles include "The Artists Mother, The Artists Father and Self  Portrait", all signed in pencil to bottom right hand margin,  161/300, 12"h x 9.5"w together with a limited edition Morris  Singer Foundry bronze medallion with a profile portrait of L S  Lowry 161/300, cased, 5"diam.
L S Lowry, a folio containing 3 limited edition prints, titles include "The Artists Mother, The Artists Father and Self Portrait", all signed in pencil to bottom right hand margin, 161/300, 12"h x 9.5"w together with a limited edition Morris Singer Foundry bronze medallion with a profile portrait of L S Lowry 161/300, cased, 5"diam.

Graham Clarke, 20th Century British School, an artists proof coloured print "Snow Drop", study of a winter landscape 13.5"h  x 21"w
Graham Clarke, 20th Century British School, an artists proof coloured print "Snow Drop", study of a winter landscape 13.5"h x 21"w

Early 20th Century British School, oil on canvas, an interior study of an artists studio, unsigned 35"h x 47"w
Early 20th Century British School, oil on canvas, an interior study of an artists studio, unsigned 35"h x 47"w

A Nao figure of a seated lady artist, f, 11" do. cat 4", do. girl cellist 8" and do. girl artist 12"
A Nao figure of a seated lady artist, f, 11" do. cat 4", do. girl cellist 8" and do. girl artist 12"

An artists French 19th Century pedestal pine Taboret with  hinged lid, the base fitted 4 long drawers, 21"
An artists French 19th Century pedestal pine Taboret with hinged lid, the base fitted 4 long drawers, 21"

A violin labelled the Artist Apollo, style 12, no. 1930, having a  2 piece back 14", together with 2 bows and contained in a fibre  carrying case
A violin labelled the Artist Apollo, style 12, no. 1930, having a 2 piece back 14", together with 2 bows and contained in a fibre carrying case

Mary Fedden, limited edition coloured artists proof "Cat on a  Cornish Beach" signed and dated '81, 13" x 16"
Mary Fedden, limited edition coloured artists proof "Cat on a Cornish Beach" signed and dated '81, 13" x 16"

Willem  de Kooning, artist proof monochrome print 18" x 14"
Willem de Kooning, artist proof monochrome print 18" x 14"

Helen McKie, humerous oil on board "The Street Artist" 24" x  23 1/2"
Helen McKie, humerous oil on board "The Street Artist" 24" x 23 1/2"

Artists proof coloured print "Verdun From the Meuse" 13" x 19"
Artists proof coloured print "Verdun From the Meuse" 13" x 19"