A medal group to Pte. later P.C. Ralph Adkins George, comprising British War and Victory medal to 3255 Pte. R.A. George E.K.R. together with bronze Medal of the Society of the Protection of Life From Fire to Ralph Adkins George, Ealing 9-1-35 together with press cutting
A George V issue Special Constabulary Long Service Good Conduct medal with 2 bars - Great War 1914-18 and Long Service 1929 to Sgt. Walter Ellis together with a ditto miniature medal and a bronze Special Constabulary Long Service medal 1914 and a ditto lapel badge
A pair of medals British War medal and Victory medal to DM2-097260 Pte. H J Huggett Army Service Corps together with a French silver commemorative medal and ribbon bar (possibly entitled to 1914-15 Star)
A pair of medals comprising British War medal and Victory medal to 3173 Acting Colour Sergeant AE Crocome 23 London Regt. together with a silver Hall stone jewel, a silver and enamelled Royal Masonic Institute for Boys jewel and a pierced metal gardeners jewel
A group of 6 medals attributable to 127528 Leading Aircraftsman, Sergeant Pilot, Officer Flight Lieutenant H Long RAF comprising 1939-45 Star, Air Crew Europe Star, Africa Star, Italy Star, Defence and War medal together with 3 Pilot's flying log books Form 414, from 1940-45 Flying Blenheims Dakotas together with an RAF Service and Release book, a Pilots Notes for Blenheim V Aeroplane, Qualification of the Branch of Civil Aircraft Pilots license
A Royal Air Force Flight Lieutenant's tunic, trousers with navigators half wing, medal ribbons, General Service medal and Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service in the air by Ye Ye, together with forage cap and an RAF Squadron Leaders tunic and trousers with pilots wings, campaign service medal ribbon and a tropical jacket and trousers
A Trench Art model of a cap marked souvenir Ypres 1914-1919 formed from a 1917 brass shell case together with an associated brass shell case the base marked 75 DEC PD DS15541 18R and 2 1930's glass paperweights decorated photographs of girls 3"
withdrawn from auction
Two Elizabeth II black War Office issue dispatch boxes, the lids with Royal cypher marked War Office 1 and 31, having Chubb locks 5" x 16" x 11"
A pair of 1920's ivory military hair brushes monogrammed, a simulated tortoiseshell cigarette box with hinged lid 1" x 3 1/2" x 3", 19th Century black and gilt lacquered snuff box 1" x 2" x 1", a spirit hip flask with simulated crocodile mounts 3 1/2" together with a shooting stick
A group of 6 World War Two medals comprising 1939-45 Star, Africa Star, Italy Star, France and Germany Star, Defence and War medal complete with presentation certificate