Twenty nine editions of Wisdens Cricketing Almanac 1977, 1979-2006, (1977, 1980 and 1982 are paper covers, the rest are hard covers with dust jackets), together with 4 Wisden anthologies 1864-1900, 1900-1940, 1940-1943 and 1963-1982, the Wisden Book of Test Cricket volume 2 1977-1994 and The Wisden Book of Test Cricket 1874-1984
One volume Cooke's "Topographical Library of British Travel Sussex" half leather bound, 1 vol. "A Short History of Brighthelmstone" with remarks on its air and an analysis of it's waters leather bound, C White "The Brighton Ambulator 1818" leather bound, Anthony Relhan "A Story of Brighthelmstone 1829", "Sickelmor's View of Brighton 1824" and "Handbook for Travellers in Sussex" third edition 1877