One volume William Falconer "The Shipwreck 1811", one volume "The Life of Carlo The Famous Dog of Drury Lane Theatre With His Portrait 1804", Longman Ress a coloured walker's pocket map of Worcestershire and 3 other books and 2 sets of coloured postcards
A stock book of Rhodesian mint and used stamps, an album of Australian, Western Samoa, New Zealand mint and used stamps, George VI and later together with a collection of loose world stamps contained in a shoe box
A Stanley Gibbons album of Elizabeth II mint stamps, an album of mint and used world stamps - Arabia, British Honduras, Belgian, Bolivia, Austria, two stock books of world stamps and an album of United Nations first day covers
A stock book of Austrian mint and used stamps, album of used world stamps Italy and Spain, album of world stamps Morocco, Nigeria, Indonesia, Japan and a stock book of French mint stamps and an album of United Nation mint stamps
A Stanley Gibbons album of mint Isle of Man Elizabeth II stamps, an album of mint Channel Islands Elizabeth II stamps and a ring bind album of various used GB stamps
A ring bind album of commonwealth stamps George V to Elizabeth, album of Unesco and council of Europe mint stamps, album of world stamps - Australia, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, USA, Russian, Malaya, Malta, Germany, album of world stamps, black album of world stamps spain, France, Monaco
A Stanley Gibbons album of Elizabeth II mint and used stamps Victorian to QEII, ring bind album of used GB stamps Edward VIII to Elizabeth II, album of Edward VII and George VI used stamps, ring bind album of Elizabeth II used stamps and a ditto stock book
An album of Elizabeth II GB mint and used stamps, ring bind album of used Elizabeth II and Channel Island stamps, orange album of George V and Elizabeth II mint and used stamps and 2 stock books of Edward VII mint and used stamps
A red Standard album of Elizabeth II GB stamps, a Windsor album of mint and used GB stamps, stock book of ditto GB stamps and a green album of world stamps Hungary, France etc