A black silk top hat by Joshua Turner size 7 1/8 contained within a Joshua Turner hat box, a brown Homburg by Dunn & Co. size 7 and a pair of Dents white leather gloves size 8
A Masonic Ancient and Accepted Rite Rose Croix 18th degree apron together with a Provincial Grand Officer's undress apron, collar and collar jewel, a Valencia Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
M Macmillan, the Victorian Lord Lieutenant's Uniform of W Keswick comprising tunic with silver bullion, pair of overall trousers, sword belt, pair of George boots, coccade plume and sword with etched blade
Two High Sheriff's uniforms comprising 2 blue velvet tail coats, 2 pairs of breeches, 2 waistcoats together with cocked hat, pair of court shoes, collar, 3 pairs of tight, Sam Browne belt and pair of leather gloves, all contained in a metal uniform trunk