A circular blue and white striped T G Greener Cornish Kitchen ware storage jar marked Lentils, the base with black shield mark (some crazing to the lid) £20-40
A large Limoges cup and saucer, a Victorian 1887 pressed glass bowl, 1 other pressed glass bowl, a coaching days pottery bowl, a rectangular pottery bowl, a Copeland 4 section dish, a Derby style tea service, various plates etc, etc, etc, £30-50
2 German pottery beersteins with pewter lids, 2 cut glass dressing table sets and 2 cut glass jars, a circular blue Wedgwood Jasperware jar and cover, a glass and gilt metal dressing table set and a 16 piece Susie Cooper coffee service comprising 6 circular plates 6 1/2", 6 saucers (some wear), 4 cups (1 chipped) and 5 Chelsea ware pottery tea plates £25-35
A Susie Cooper 10 piece tea service with blue stylised polka dots with 4 plates 6 1/2", 3 cups and 3 saucers, together with a small collection of other teaware £15-25