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Catalogue for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 28th of June 2006

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description ( and estimated value in GBP )
  • An Art Deco bronze golfing ashtray, the finial in the form of a standing golfer 4"


An Art Deco bronze golfing ashtray, the finial in the form of a standing golfer 4" £70-90

  • A Victorian quart pint pewter beaker marked Walter Parry, monogrammed and with engraved base 3"


A Victorian quart pint pewter beaker marked Walter Parry, monogrammed and with engraved base 3" £10-20

  • An Eastern carved stone figure of a seated toad 2"


An Eastern carved stone figure of a seated toad 2" £80-120

  • 3 Japanese bronze figures of Geisha girls 6"


3 Japanese bronze figures of Geisha girls 6" £150-200

  • A Victorian brass and steel heart shaped padlock 1" and a Tumbler patent padlock


A Victorian brass and steel heart shaped padlock 1" and a Tumbler patent padlock £15-25

  • A 19th Century circular gilt metal trinket box, the finial in the form of a seated toad set a green hardstone cabouchon cut stone, 2"


A 19th Century circular gilt metal trinket box, the finial in the form of a seated toad set a green hardstone cabouchon cut stone, 2" £20-30

  • A 19th/20th Century double edge dagger with 5" blade and wooden handle


A 19th/20th Century double edge dagger with 5" blade and wooden handle £20-30

  • A tin plate clock work model of a Green Line Bus, marked Glasgow, Exeter, Cardiff (dent to lid and some damage)


A tin plate clock work model of a Green Line Bus, marked Glasgow, Exeter, Cardiff (dent to lid and some damage) £15-20

  • A Victorian electric shock machine contained in a mahogany case


A Victorian electric shock machine contained in a mahogany case £25-30

  • A pair of 19th Century brass and mahogany letter scales with weights


A pair of 19th Century brass and mahogany letter scales with weights £20-30

  • An antimony box with hinged lid decorated coaching scene 3"


An antimony box with hinged lid decorated coaching scene 3" £10-20

  • A 19th Century rectangular trinket box, the lid with Tunbridge ware decoration 4"


A 19th Century rectangular trinket box, the lid with Tunbridge ware decoration 4" £15-20

  • An Allcocks centre pin sea reel 4"


An Allcocks centre pin sea reel 4" £15-25

  • A polished steel and brass sea reel 4"


A polished steel and brass sea reel 4" £15-25

  • A pair of jade coloured figures of standing Geisha girls 7 1/2"


A pair of jade coloured figures of standing Geisha girls 7 1/2" £200-300

  • A biscuit porcelain figure of a baby with articulated limbs 3"


A biscuit porcelain figure of a baby with articulated limbs 3" £5-10

  • An 18th/19th Century rectangular enamelled trinket box with hinged lid decorated a landscape (f and cracks) 3"


An 18th/19th Century rectangular enamelled trinket box with hinged lid decorated a landscape (f and cracks) 3" £20-30

  • A bronze trinket box with in the form of a coffer with hinged lid, raised on bracket feet 4"


A bronze trinket box with in the form of a coffer with hinged lid, raised on bracket feet 4" £20-30

  • An Art Nouveau  waisted copper vase with floral decoration, the base marked Made in England L&WB 6"


An Art Nouveau waisted copper vase with floral decoration, the base marked Made in England L&WB 6" £20-30

  • An Art Deco gilt spelter figure of a standing dancing girl raised on a marble base 15"


An Art Deco gilt spelter figure of a standing dancing girl raised on a marble base 15" £150-200

  • H Youngman, a bronze sculpture of a standing RAF parachutist raised on a marble base, 14" (formerly a trophy)


H Youngman, a bronze sculpture of a standing RAF parachutist raised on a marble base, 14" (formerly a trophy) £300-500

  • A 19th Century bronze figure of a standing chained Joan of Arc, base marked to the front L'Abjuration de Jeanne D'arc and to the reverse Rouen Anno Domini MCCCCXXXI, 18"


A 19th Century bronze figure of a standing chained Joan of Arc, base marked to the front L'Abjuration de Jeanne D'arc and to the reverse Rouen Anno Domini MCCCCXXXI, 18" £500-700

  • Rudolf Bosselt, a bronze figure of a standing stork, raised on a square marble base 23"


Rudolf Bosselt, a bronze figure of a standing stork, raised on a square marble base 23" £500-700

  • J Moigniuz, a bronze figure of 2 standing birds, raised on an oval naturalistic base 10" (standing bird f and r)


J Moigniuz, a bronze figure of 2 standing birds, raised on an oval naturalistic base 10" (standing bird f and r) £500-600

  • A fine quality 19th Century red Boulle ink stand, set 2 cut glass bottles with double pen receptical, raised on bracket feet 14"


A fine quality 19th Century red Boulle ink stand, set 2 cut glass bottles with double pen receptical, raised on bracket feet 14" £350-400